Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/78

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of infantry of Alabama: Sergt. Walter Ransom, Company C; Sergt. George H. Ellison, Company E; Corp. H. H. Hardy, Company G; Private C. D. Rouse, Company H; Corp. W. H. Powers, Company K. Companies A, B, D, F and L declined voting.

No. 44—(287) Third Alabama, Col. C. A. Battle, O'Neal's brigade, Rodes' division, army of Northern Virginia, at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. (332, 342) 12 killed, 79 wounded at battle of Gettysburg. (444) General Ewell's report of battle of Gettysburg: "Third Alabama by some mistake left with Daniel's brigade." (560) In the skirmish at Manassas Gap. (563) List of field and staff officers present with their commands at the battle of Gettysburg . . . Col. C. A. Battle, Lieut.-Col. C. Forsyth, who sprained his ankle on July 2d, and Maj. R. M. Sands. (576) Mentioned by Col. William A. Owens. (579, 580) Also mentioned in report of General Iverson. 587) Gen. S. D. Ramseur in his report says: "Colonel Battle, with the Third Alabama, rendered brilliant and invaluable service. Attaching his regiment to my command on his own responsibility, he came in at the right place, at the right time and in the right way." (592, 593) Mentioned in Colonel (General) 0'Neal's report. (594) Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Forsyth. (594, 595) Report of Col. C. A. Battle, who says: "I received instructions to move with General Daniel. These instructions were followed until their longer observance became impracticable. I then sent an officer to General Daniel for orders, who on his return said that General Daniel had no orders for me; that I must act on my own responsibility. I at once moved upon the right of General Ramseur then advancing to the attack, and offered him my regiment. The offer was accepted, and my command acted under this gallant officer in a charge which drove the enemy from one of his strongholds and then rejoined Rodes' brigade. I am indebted to Lieutenant-Colonel Forsyth and Major Sands for valuable assistance."

No. 45—(922, 1059) Rodes' brigade, June and July, 1863.

No. 48—(399) In Battle's brigade, Lee's army. Col. Charles Forsyth commanding regiment, September 30, 1863. (412) Killed 1, wounded 1, Bristoe campaign. (617) 1 wounded, October 26 to November 8, 1863. (818) Assignment as above, October 31, 1863. (838) 5 wounded at