Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/89

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and Lieut. J. M. Goff (the latter with a musket) bore distinguished parts in the fight."

Vol. XXI—(541-560) Rodes' brigade, Hill's division. Loss, 1 wounded; battle of Fredericksburg. (1073) Lieut.-Col. E. L. Hobson in command of regiment.

No. 39—(792) Rodes' brigade, Hill’s division, Jackson's corps. (807) Report of medical director, battle of Chancellorsville, 24 killed and 130 wounded. (943-946) Gen. R. E. Rodes' report of same battle says: "The Fifth and Twenty-sixth Alabama, with some other regiments, carried the heights in magnificent style, planting their colors inside the works." Attention called to gallantry of Colonel Hall; Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson severely wounded; also mentions Gilliam James of Company D. (948) Casualties given at killed 24, wounded 133. Colonel Hall, Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson, Maj. Eugene Blackford "under fire." (949) Mentioned by General Rodes. (951-953) Colonel O'Neal, commanding Rodes' brigade, mentions Major Blackford; he also says: "Capt. W. T. Renfro, commanding right wing of the Fifth Alabama after Colonel Hobson had been wounded, brought in 225 prisoners. . . . Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson was wounded while gallantly rushing in front of his men. Captured in the midst of the enemy’s guns and intrenchments and some time before any other troops reached that point, the loss of their flag is one of the highest evidences of the gallant and daring service rendered by the Fifth Alabama regiment in the action of that day." (953-955) Colonel Hall's (commanding brigade) report of battle commends Captain Renfro, who was severely wounded while gallantly leading the Fifth. "Justice demands that I should mention Lieut.-Col. J. S. Garvin, commanding the Twenty-sixth Alabama, and Capt. W. T. Renfro, commanding the Fifth Alabama, who were both severely, if not mortally, wounded while gallantly leading their regiments, and giving the highest evidence of that coolness and skill which should ever characterize a true soldier." (957,958) Report of Col. J. M. Hall (Fifth Alabama), same battle, says: "Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson, whose daring courage led him always to the front, was severely wounded. Major Blackford being in command of the sharpshooters, the senior captain (W. T. Renfro) was placed in command of the regiment wing and the pursuit continued. Both