Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam.djvu/4

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Volume 49, Page 532
Royal Gazette
Dated 10 December 2475

the universal civilisation of the World with ease, [for which reason] it was appropriate for Him to grant His public servants and people a great opportunity to have a say and play a part in improving the Siamese Country according to their right ideology for the prosperity of Hers in the future. Thus, with His greatly gracious pleasure, He conferred [upon them] on the 27th day of June 2475 Buddhist Era in accordance with [their] desire an interim Constitution for the public administration of Siam, just for enabling the House of Representatives and the People's Committee to organise the work of governance suiting the newly changed administration. Later on, He, with His pleasure, ordered the House of Representatives to discuss together and further draft the provisions and stipulations of a Constitution which should stay stable as an eternal pillar of the process of governance in time to come, for which purpose, by the House of Representatives, a Subcommittee was set up to draw up a draft of such Constitution.

Now, the Subcommittee has well and successfully fulfilled His mandate and repaid His benevolence by composing the permanent Constitution and introducing it to the House of Representatives, and the House of Representatives, after considering, discussing, and voting upon it, has humbly presented Him with advice and consent, stating that it is ready to be enacted as a Constitution for the administration of the State.