Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam.djvu/5

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Dated 10 December 2475
Royal Gazette
Volume 49, Page 533

And, having reviewed it with care and thoroughness, He finds it appropriate to express His great royal approval.

Therefore, He gives a great royal command by which He declares to all an order that a Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam be enacted, announced, and conferred upon His populace, so that they enjoy full autonomy from this very day on.

May this Constitution of our Kingdom be a sound and stable pillar endowed with excellent efficacy. May it be a wellspring of well-being, promising peace, and grandiose glory for the people in perpetuity. May it lead the Siamese Country to the achievement of all the various types of thriving triumph, all the diverse favourable outcomes, and immense and immortal fame. May the members of the royalty, either senior or junior, and the public servants, both military and civil, and all the people under His authority be united unanimously in preserving and observing this Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam, in order that it should stay beside the State of Siam, the Royal Realm, till the end of the epoch, in accordance with His great royal wish. May all of this be true!