Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/22

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Section 74. The State should promote abilities of the people to engage in work which is appropriate to their potentials and ages, and ensure that they have work to engage in. The State should protect labour to ensure safety and vocational hygiene, and receive income, welfare, social security and other benefits which are suitable for their living, and should provide for or promote savings for living after their working age.

The State should provide a system of labour relations for all relevant parties to participate in.

Section 75. The State should organise an economic system which provides opportunities for the people to all together benefit from the economic growth in a comprehensive, fair and sustainable manner and to be self-reliant in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy, should eliminate unfair economic monopoly, and should develop economic competitiveness of the people and the country.

The State shall refrain from engagement in an enterprise in competition with the private sector, except in cases of necessity for the purpose of maintaining the security of the State, preserving common interests, providing public utilities or providing public services.

The State shall promote, support, protect and stabilise the system of various types of co-operatives, and small and medium enterprises of the people and communities.

In developing the country, the State should have due regard to the balance between the development of material and development of mind, as well as the well-being of the people.

Section 76. The State should develop a system of administration of State affairs of central, regional and local administrations, as well as other Stateaffairs in accordance with the principles of good public governance, provided that State agencies shall cooperate with and assist each other in performing duties, with a view to maximising, for the benefit of the people, the efficiency of the administration of State affairs, provision of public services and expenditure of budget. The State should also develop State officials to have integrity and to have an attitude of serving the public in an expedient, expeditious and non-discriminatory manner as well as performing duties efficiently.

The State should undertake to enact a law relating to personnel management of State agencies in accordance with the merit system, provided that such law must at least contain measures to prevent any person from exercising powers or acting wrongfully to intervene or interfere with the performance of duties or the procedure for appointment or consideration of the merits of State officials.