Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/23

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The State should formulate ethical standards for State agencies to use as the basis for prescribing a code of ethics for State officials in that particular agency, which must not be lower than such ethical standards.

Section 77. The State should introduce laws only to the extent of necessity, and repeal or revise laws that are no longer necessary or unsuitable to the circumstances, or are obstacles to livelihoods or engagement in occupations, without delay, so as to abstain from the imposition of burdens upon the public. The State should also undertake to ensure that the public has convenient access to the laws and are able to understand the them easily in order to correctly comply with the laws.

Prior to the enactment of every law, the State should conduct consultation with stakeholders, analyse any impacts that may occur from the law thoroughly and systematically, and should also disclose the results of the consultation and analysis to the public, and take them into consideration at every stage of the legislative process. When the law has come into force, the State should undertake an evaluation of the outcomes of the law at every specified period of time, for which consultation with stakeholders shall be conducted, with a view to developing all laws to be suitable to and appropriate for the changing contexts.

The State should employ a permit system and a committee system in a law only in cases of necessity, should prescribe rules for the exercise of discretion by State officials and a period of time for carrying out each step provided by the law in a clear manner, and should prescribe criminal penalties only for serious offences.

Section 78. The State should promote the correct knowledge and understanding of the public and communities regarding the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State, and their participation in various aspects of the development of the country, in the provision of public services at both national and local levels, in the scrutiny of the exercise of State power, in combating against dishonest acts and wrongful conducts, as well as in decision making in politics and in all other matters that may affect the public or communities.