Page:Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act 2003.pdf/7

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(a) to do or say anything, or omit to do or say anything, if as a result a consumer might reasonably be deceived or misled;
(b) to make a false claim;
(c) to take advantage of a consumer if the supplier knows or ought reasonably to know that the consumer—
(i) is not in a position to protect his own interests; or
(ii) is not reasonably able to understand the character, nature, language or effect of the transaction or any matter related to the transaction; or
(d) without limiting the generality of paragraphs (a) to (c), to do anything specified in the Second Schedule.

Circumstances surrounding unfair practice

5.—(1) An unfair practice may occur before, during or after a consumer transaction.

(2) An unfair practice may consist of a single act or omission.

(3) In determining whether or not a person has engaged in an unfair practice—

(a) the reasonableness of the actions of that person in those circumstances is to be considered; and
(b) an act or omission by an employee or agent of a person is deemed also to be an act or omission of the person if the act or omission occurred in the course of—
(i) the employee’s employment with the person; or
(ii) the agent exercising the powers or performing the duties on behalf of the person within the scope of the agent’s actual or apparent authority.

Consumer’s right to sue for unfair practice

6.—(1) A consumer who has entered a consumer transaction involving an unfair practice may commence an action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the supplier.