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Magi of Perſia: He concludes with telling me, That Churches, on their reformed Plan, are erected in Luſatia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Brunſswick, Alſatia, Swabia, Franconia, Wirtenberg, the Palatinate, ſeveral imperial Cities, Holland, and the other States on the Rhine. What follows, is merely perſonal, but expreſſive of great Tenderneſs and Humility: And the whole cloſes with thoſe emphatical Words, which I before tranſcribed, but which I do not think much to repeat: Farewell in Chriſt our common Lord, our crucified, wounded, only healing Ranſom, by whom we are redeemed from the Pit of everlaſting Deſtruction, who is to me the deareſt of all objects. I think, any Thing I could add, after this reviving and aſtoniſhing Account of the Work of God upon, and by theſe his faithful Servants, would be but flat and inſipid.

P. S. Let Mount Zion rejoice, and let all the Daughters of Judah exult, that the glorious and renouned King is on his Way, to extend his vaſt and boundleſs Dominions, and, maugre all Oppoſition, will pull down the Man of Sin, and deſtroy him with the Breath of his Mouth, and Brightneſs of his coming: Religion ſhall flouriſh, in Spite of Hell and Earth; and the Goſpel ſhall bave a free Courſe, run and be glorified, and our exalted Immanuel ſhall ſee the Nations, like Drops of Dew from the Womb of the Morning, flowing to him. Even ſo come Lord Jeſus. Amen.COPY