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COPY of a LETTER from the Reverend Mr. Moorhead Miniſter of the Goſpel at Boſton, to his Friend at Glaſgow.

Boſton, New-England, Jan. 28. 1740.

I Am exceeding uneaſy, becauſe that you have not written to me by any of the Veſſels that came thither. I ſent you a Packet laſt Year per Captain Montgomery, bound to Newport-Glaſgow, who got ſafe there.

I want very much to hear how your religious Affairs ſtand, and whether theſe Men of God ſucceed in their endeavoured Reformation. The Glory is departing from Scotland; when Simonical Practices are entred in, among her profeſſed Inſtructors, who are returning to the Onions and Leeks of Egypt, when Pagan Divinity goes better than the Doctrines of the Son of God.

The Lord has raiſed up the great and good Mr. Whitefield, to ſcourge and awaken England and America. The Dead are made to live, and by him hear the Voice of the Son of God. The Face of Chriſtianity here is covered over with Formality, and a cold Indifferency for Divine Things. I would gladly hope, that it is not ſo bad with Strangers as it is with the Sectarians of this Country, who ſeem diſpoſed, and do drink in Errors and Hereſies of all kinds. Let me hear from you. May the God of Iſrael be your God, and of his People, which is and ſhall be the Prayer of

Your Friend and Wellwiſher,
John Moorhead,

F I N I S.