Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/688

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1848 Baker v. Taylor U. S. C. C. J. Betts, a Blatch. 82

Error of 1847 for 1846 in copyright notice invalidates copyright, i2g

1848 Russell V. Smith Queen's Bench L. Denman, 12 Q. B. 217

Dramatic rendition of song vrithout costume or scenery adjudged "dramatic piece," 176, 191; registration of dramatic piece optional in England, 189

1849 Albert, Prince, v. Ct. App. V._C. Bruce, 2 De G. & Sm.

Strange 652

Common law protects until publication, 187; descriptive cata- logue and exhibition of copies of unpublished art work in- fringements, 238

1850 Copyright in designs act 13 & 14 Vict. c. 104

1851 Protection of works. London international exhibition 14 Vict. c. 8

1852 International copyright act 15 & 16 Vict. c. 12 1852 Bogue V. Houlston Chancery V. C. Parker, 5 De G. & Sm. 267

Cop3night extends to every part of a book, 76 1852 Little s. Gould U.S. C.C. App. J. Nelson, 2 Blatch. 362

State copyright owner in work of salaried law reporter, 98

1852 Pulte V. Derby U. S. C. C. J. McLean, s McLean, 328

Publishing contract for "edition," does not prohibit successive printings, 446

1853 Customs consolidation act 16 & 17 Vict. c. 107 1853 Cox V. Cox Chancery V. C. Wood, 11 Hare, 118

Writer may not prevent alterations made by employer, 443

1853 Stowe V. Thomas U. S. C. C. J. Grier, 2 Wall Jr. S47

No exclusive right of translation under early law, 77

1854 Jefferys v. Boosey House of Lords 4 H. L. C. 815

Definition of the two senses of copyright, i, 2, 4; non-resident foreigner could not acquire copyright under act of 1710 by first publication in England, 108, 373

1854 Stevens u. Benning Chancery V. C. Wood, i Kay & J. 168

Contract for publication a personal contract not assignable without consent, 444

1855 Customs consolidation act. 18 & 19 Vict. c. 96 1855 U. S. Act. Deposits through mails free

1855 Stevens v. Benning Ct. App. Lds. J. Bruce & 6 De G. M.

Turner, & G. 223

Affirming Stevens v. Benning,

1856 U. S. supplementary act (dramatic)

1858 Amendatory copjright act, for designs 21 & 22 Vict. c. 70

1858 Reade v. Bentley Chancery V. C. Wood, 4 K. & J. 656

Contract for publication a personal contract of "joint adven- ture" terminable by author if not to publisher's loss, 434, 444 i8s9 U. S. act. Place of deposit

i860 Blackwood v. Scotch Ct. Sess. 23 Sc. Sess. c. 2, s. 142


Reprints to replace destroyed copies do not constitute anew edition, 445