Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/689

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i860 Crookes v. Fetter Rolls Ct. Romilly, M. R., 6 Jur. 1131

Editor's name not requisite part of title, 44s i860 Turner J). Robinson Irish CtChanc. Smith, M. R., 10 Ir. Ch. R.iai

Exhibition, with restriction as to copying, not publication, 232 i860 Turners. Robinson Ct. App. L. C. Brady, 10 Ir. Ch. R. 510

Liability under breach of contract, 232; Academy exhibition considered publication, 232

1861 Amendatory copyright act, for designs 24 & 25 Vict. c. 73

1861 Statute law revision act 24 & 25 Vict. c. loi

1861 U. S. act. Appeal for copsoight cases to Supreme Court

1862 Fine arts copyright act 25 & 26 Vict. c. 68 1862 Boucicault v. Fox U. S. C. C. J. Shipman, s Blatch. 87

A man's intellectual productions his own, except under valid agreement with employer, 97

1862 Drury v. Ewing U. S. C. C. J. Leavitt, i Bond, S40

Diagram with directions for dress cutting adjudged "book," 69

1862 Howitt II. HaU Chancery V. C. Wood, 6 L. T. (n. s.) 348

Copies printed within term of contract may be sold after expira- tion, 445

1862 Reade v. Conquest Common Pleas C. J. Erie, 11 C. B. (n. s.) 478

Dramatization based on novelization, infringement of original play, 172

1863 Boucicault v. Chancery V. C. Wood, i H. & M. S97


First publication outside British Dominions under int. copr. act, forfeits playright, 184 1863 Hotten ». Aythur Chancery V. C. Wood, i H. & M. 603

Catalogue of old books copyrightable, 73

1863 Tinsley v. Lacy Chancery V. C. Wood, i H. & M. 747

Printed dramatization enjoined as using substantial parts of novel, 173

1864 Low V. Routledge Chancery V. C. Kindersley, 33 L. J. (n.

s.) Ch. 717 Inaccuracy in name of proprietor invalidates copyright entry, 128 i86s U. S. supplementary act (photographs)

1867 Statute law revision act 30 & 31 Vict. c. S9

1867 U. S. act. Penalty for failure to deposit

1867 Maxwell v. Hogg Chancery L. Caims, 2 Ch. D. 307

Belgravia — Title not protectable until associated with a pub- lished work, 7S, 84, 85

1868 Daly V. Pabner U. S. C. C. J. Blatchford, 6 Blatch. 256

Test of piracy defined, 17s 1868 Routledge 11. Low House of Lords L. R., 3 H. L. 100

Foreigner temporarily resident at first publication may acquire

British copyright under act of 1842, 109; first publication

probably single requisite for copyright, 109, 374