Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/214

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178 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL central tower projects a kind of seat above the precipice, known as St. Michael's Chair ; it formerly served for a beacon light. St. Michael's, Penkevil. — Chancel, nave, tran- septs, S. porch, and W. tower. Re-dedicated by Bishop Branscombe in 1261. In 1320, Sir John de Trejago founded here a college for 4 priests, when transepts, porch, and tower were added. Whole of the church rebuilt by Mr. Street in 1862-6 at great cost, whereby much interest has been lost, but care was taken to reuse old material and to re-erect with precision the more important parts. 1 Chancel and nave retain much of their 13th cent, character. In N.E. angle of chancel is dedication stone placed here by Bishop Walter Branscombe ; it is a block of granite 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft., and 6 in. thick ; it is inscribed : SCS WAR MJCHA EP! AR CHA Dedication Stone, 1261 Transepts, separated from nave by two centred 1 R.I.C., i. 33-7 ; ii- 38-43-