Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/215

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 179 arches, contain remarkable architectural arrange- ments of unusual character. Below S. window of S. transept is a sepulchral recess, and eastward are 2 cinquefoil-headed sedilia, and adjacent piscina in E. wall. In this transept are lower and upper rood- stair doorways ; above former is image niche, whilst immediately below latter a triple niche, richly sculptured. N. transept has similar arrange- ments, but sedilia are threefold. In E. wall of each transept are 3 arched recesses, with delicate tracery in panels, forming reredoses for side altars; door- ways flanking these sculptures, formerly filled with imagery, apparently show that rood-screen was continued through transepts. A small doorway in each transept communicates with diminutive cell, 5 ft. by 3 ft., behind the altars, covered outside by projecting stone weathering. Of course the foolish suggestion has been made that these tiny rooms were constructed as confessionals ; but their true use was to contain the valuables belonging to these chantry altars. Altar for daily mass of 4th col- legiate priest was in exceptional position. The 2-staged 14th cent, tower, surmounted by lead- covered spire, has newel staircase opening to room over porch, but proceeding to tower chamber below the bells, 50 ft. from ground. Here, in arched recess in E. wall, with piscina niche to right, stands an altar, mensa of which is 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft., and 2 ft. 6 in. high. On the slab now rest many carved fragments found by Mr. Street during rebuilding.