Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/239

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 203 Poundstock (5/. Neot). — Chancel, nave of 4 bays, N. aisle, S. transept, and W. tower; restored with care in 1896. Lower part of transept walls show Norm, masonry. Square Trans.-Norm. font has arcaded sides ; and there are remains of a possibly Norm, stoup. N. aisle of 15th cent., continued flush with chancel, destroyed N. transept. The 3- staged, unbuttressed tower 14th cent., but battle- ments, with octagonal embattled pinnacles and crocketed finials, are 15th cent. Old wagon roofs of nave and aisle are good. Several old bench-ends are worked up into chancel seatings, and 6 panels of old rood-screen remain. Two very interesting wall-paintings were uncovered on N. wall in 1901. Central subject was mutilated; that on W. represented a tree of the Deadly Sins, and that on E. Christ blessing Trades. 1 (Registers, 1615.) St. Probus. — Church of Sts. Probus and Grace, a collegiate foundation dating back to 926, consists of chancel, nave of 5 bays, aisles, N. and S. porches, and W. tower. It has suffered many things at hands of restorers, notably by Mr. G. E. Street in 1851, and Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn in 1886 and 1888; - yet again in 1893, and finally in 1905. Present ,- structure, except for much unnecessary modern ,"; < work, is entirely 15 th and early 16th cent. The at- o tributing tower to reign of Queen Mary is a baseless 2^ fable. The fact has been established that it was 1 See Arch. Journal, March, 1 90 1.