Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/240

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204 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL gradually built in the reign of Henry VIII., subse- quent to 1514. 1 S. arcade has 5 arches, E. 7 arches. Chief interest is the justly celebrated and hand- some tower, 108 ft. high to battlements, whilst the crocketed pinnacles, each supported by 4 lesser pinnacles, have additional height of 13 ft. Entirely built out of surface of moorland granite; a con- siderable portion of wall surface has traceried panellings and other carvings, which show great skill in dealing with so hard a substance. On N. and S. sides, above upper plinth, are 3 large niches with elaborately carved canopies. Font and most of fittings are modern. Old rood-screen was pulled down in 1723. In N. wall are the rood-stairs. Present chancel screen was worked up in 185 1 out of portions of old screen and bench-ends ; it bears the date 1 591, and the words — " Ihs hear us thy people and send us Grace and Good for ever." Other bench-ends are used up in a vestry screen. In an almery in N. wall of chancel are 2 skulls, found under altar in 185 1, imagined to be those of the 2 patron saints. An old altar slab with 5 consecration crosses is still in use. At E. end of S. aisle are sedilia and piscina. In this aisle is brass with effigies to John Wulvedon, 1514, and to Cecilia his wife, 15 12. Church retains copy of Charles I.'s letter, and a set of stocks. (Registers, 1644.) Quethiock (pronounced "Gwithick"). — Church 1 R.I.C., ix. 484-9.