Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/273

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 233 Porch has some remnants of old carved timbers. Norm, font has a plain circular bowl, and 4 rude heads at corners of base. (Registers, 1686.) Treslothan is an ecclesiastical district formed out of Camborne in 1845. Church of St. John built in 1 84 1, but not, as often stated, on site of earlier church or chapel. It contains, however, two in- teresting mediaeval relics. The remarkable font, apparently late 14th cent, was for some years in Tehidy Park in Camborne parish ; thence it was taken and placed for a short time in parish church ; afterwards removed to Treslothan church, for it was ascertained that it came originally from a chapel in Pendarve's Park, now included in Treslothan parish, of which fabric some traces remain. Bowl of font is coarse sandstone ; it has an angel at each corner; the wings are connected by bands, on which are 16 separate letters, h. b. q. a.; i. k. n.c. ; c.s.b.e.; 1. e. s. c. Meaning of these letters has hitherto baffled solution. Round rim is inscription, Ecce Krisimi de deo vero baptizabunf"' spiritu sco, 1 and at base of bowl is a key pattern. The other relic is a Nottingham alabaster panel of Adoration of Magi; it is kept in vestry, and is sometimes stated to be a relic "of the old church on this site." Truth is that late Lord St. Levan, who had acquired various old alabasters for chapel of St. 1 Compare like inscriptions at St. Anthony-in-Meneage and St. Winnow.