Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/274

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234 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL Michael's Mount, presented this panel to the then incumbent of Treslothan. 1 Tresmere. — Church of St. Winwaloe entirely rebuilt, except tower, in 1880; it consists of chancel, nave, S. porch, and W. tower. Described in 1870 as " irremediably decayed." Some portions of windows of Edward I. date yet remain, and a curious early Norm, font hewn out of triangular block of Purbeck marble. In chancel is piscina niche with pointed head. Registers, which begin in 1625, contain entries of John Wesley preaching here in 1745, 1748, 1750, and 1751. Trevalga (St. Petrock). — Chancel, N. transept, nave, S. porch, and W. tower; restored in 187$. Used to be traces of S. transept. Lower masonry of nave, chancel, and N. transept appears to be Norm. Large circular font, of Tintagel greenstone, is Norm. Small Norm, piscina niche in transept near squint. Round - headed arch into transept seems to have been rebuilt ; transept windows are 13th cent., and there used to be some diaper colouring on walls of that period. The three-staged unbuttressed tower is 13th cent., but W. doorway and window above and battlements are 15th cent. A few good bench-ends. Over altar is a good old Renaissance reredos of Italian art, with 3 panels of the Crucifixion, Annunciation, and Visitation. (Registers, 1538.) Trewen. — Small church of St. Michael consists 1 From notes kindly contributed by Mr. Thurstan Peter.