Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/80

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56 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL with initials Q.P., B.M., B.V., and P.R., arranged in pairs; these letters possibly denote names of donors. Roofs of nave and aisle are 15 th cent. A 13th cent, stoup in Perp. porch. (Registers, 1602.) St. Anthony - in - Roseland. — The church, near mouth of St. Mawes Creek, consists of chancel, nave of 6 bays, transepts, and central tower with spire. Here was a cell or small priory of important Austin priory of Plympton, Devon, connected with church on S. side. The canons used quire and transepts, and parishioners nave. Nave mainly ^ Norm, with very fine S. doorway of that style. '*-■ Conventual part of church rebuilt and consecrated, <, 1259. This part of fabric a good example of ■ late E.E. work. The whole church was far too 2 s vigorously restored in 1850, when chancel was entirely rebuilt. The arches carrying tower are, however, as originally constructed ; the shafts of jambs of E. and W. arches have good capitals of conventional foliage ; corbel brackets of other two arches also well carved. In each transept good trefoil-headed piscina niche. Present octagonal spire is of timber covered with slates. Various memorials to Spry family, from 1658 to 1835, chiefly in N. transept, which communicates with " Place," the seat of the Sprys, built on site of old priory. (Registers, 1660.) St. Austell {Holy Trinity). — This fine, well-pro- portioned church consists of chancel with aisles, nave of 5 bays, aisles, S. porch with upper room,