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The firſt boke of



What this boke conteyneth.

Chap. i.
The creation of the worlde in ſixe dayes/ and of man.
Chap ii.
The reſt of the ſeuenth daye.
The tre of knowlege of good & euell is forbydē &c.
Of the creacion of Eua.
Chap. iii.
The ſerpeynt deceaueth the woman: they tranſgreſſe and are dryuen out of paradyſe.
Chap. iiii.
Abels offrynge pleaſeth God: therfore doth his brother Cayn hate hym: murthereth hym: & is curſed. Of the chyldren of Cayn.
Chap. v.
Of the generacion, age & death of Adā: Seth and his ſonnes vnto Noe.
Chap. vi.
The occaſion of the floude: and of the preparynge of the arcke.
Chap. vii.
Noe with his houſholde is preſerued in the arcke: where as all the worlde periſeth thorowe the floude.
Chap. viii.
The floude abateth. Noe goeth out of arcke. &c.
Chap. ix.
God bleſſeth Noe and his ſonnes: forbyddeth to eate the bloude of beeſtes, and to ſhed mās bloude: maketh a conuenaunt(and geueth the raynbowe for a token of the ſame) that he wyll deſtroye the worlde no more by water. Noe is dronken. Ham vncouereth hym, and getteth his curſe.
Chap. x.
The increace of mās generaciō by Noes thre ſonnes: which go abrode and begynne to buylde.
Chap. xi.
The buyldynge of the towre of Babel is hyndreth thorowe the confuſyon of the tonges. The generacion of Sem vntyll Abram: whiche goeth with Loth vnto Haran.
Chap. xii.
Abram goeth with Loth into a ſtraunge londe at the worde of the Lord: which appeareth vnto hym in Canaan: and promiſeth to geue the ſame londe vnto his ſede: Afterwarde goeth Abram into Egypte and fayneth Saray to be his ſyſter.
Chap. xiii.
Abram and Loth departe agayne out of Egypte: and haue ſo many cattell that they can not dwell together. Abram receaueth the bleſſynge and promes.
Chap. xiiii.
Loth is taken preſoner: Abram deliuereth hym: Melchiſedech fedeth Abram at his returnynge: Abram geueth hym tythes of the ſpoyles: and holdeth nothinge of the kynge of Sodoms goodes.
Chap. xv.
God conforteth Abram and promyſeth hym ſede: He beleueth and is iuſtified.
Chap. xvi.
Sarai geueth Abram leue to take hyr mayde whiche beareth hym Iſmaell.
Chap. xvii.
The cōuenaunt of circumciſyon. &c.
Chap. xviii.
Thre mē appeare vnto Abrahā to whom the deſtruction of Sodome is declared.
Chap. xix.
Loth receaueth the two angels the: men of Sodome go aboute to abuſe them: Loth is delyuered Sodome is deſtroyed: Loths wyfe is turned to a pyler of ſalt: and his doughters beare chyldren vnto hym.
Chap. xx.
Abraham departeth as a ſtraunger in to Gerar: and fayneth Sarai to be his ſyſter: the kynge taketh her and geueth hym her agayne.
Chap. xxi.
The byrth of Iſaac: Agar is put out with hyr ſonne. Abraham and Abimelech are ſworne frendes.
Chap. xxii.
God tryeth Abraham whiche at his word wolde offre his owne ſonne. The promes is confirmed vnto hym with an ooth.
Chap. xxiii.
The death of Sara: for whom Abraham byeth a pece of londe to burye her in.
Chap. xxiiii.
Abraham wyll haue his ſonne to mary in his owne kynred: the ſeruaunt bryngeth Rebecca: whō Iſaac taketh to wyfe.
Chap. xxv.
Abraham begetteth mo chyldren by another wyfe: geueth his good vnto Iſaac and dyeth. Iſaac begynneth to growe: Eſau ſelleth his byrth righte.
Chap. xxvi.
Iſaac goeth into Gerar: fayneth Rebecca to be his ſyſter: increaſſeth in ryches: The Philiſtines ſtoppe his welles. Abimelech & he are ſworne frendes.
Chap. xxvii.
Jacob is bleſſed before Eſau: and Eſau threateneth hym: but he flyeth into Haram to Laban his mothers brother.
Chap. xxviii.
Iſaac ſendeth Jacob awaye to mary amonge Labans doughters, Jacob ſeyth a viſion, God confirmeth hym the promes made vnto Abrahā: wher vpon Jacob maketh a vowe.
Chap. xxix.
Jacob geueth Labans ſhepe to drynke: ſerueth ſeuen yeare for Rachell: Lea is geuen hym: & yet ſerueth he ſeuen yeare mo for Rachell.
Chap. xxx.
Rachel geueth Jacob hyr mayden and ſo doth Lea: they beare hym chyldren: his reward is appoynted with a condicion: wherby he is made ryche.
Chap. xxxi.
Jacob goeth home ward. Rachell ſtealeth hyr fathers ymages. Laban ouertaketh them and fyndeth not his ymages: they ſweare together: the angell meteth Jacob.
Chap. xxxii.
Jacob ſendeth preſentes vnto Eſau: Putteth God in remembraunce of his promes: and wreſteleth with the angell: whiche chaungeth his name and bleſſeth hym.
Chap. xxxiii.
Jacob and Eſau are agreed. &c.
Chap. xxxiiii.
Dyna Jacobs doughter is forced by Sychem: wherof there commeth great bloud ſheddynge.
Chap. xxxv.
Rachell dyeth at the byrth of Beniamin. Ruben lyeth with his fathers concubyne.
Chap. xxxvi.
Of the princes that came of Eſau: and how Eſau departeth from his brother.
Chap. xxxvii.
Joſeph is hated of his brethren: and ſolde in to Egypte.
Chap. xxxviii.
Juda lyeth with his doughter in lawe which beareth hym two ſonnes.
Chap. xxxix.
Joſeph is beloued: & becauſe he wyll not conſente to the inordinate deſyre of his maſtreſſe, he is put in pryſon.
Chap. xl.
Joſeph expoūdeth the dremes of the two preſoners.
Chap. xli.
Joſeph declareth Pharaos dreame: and is made a Lorde of Egypte. The derth begynneth.
Chap. xlii.
Joſephs brethren come in to Egypte to bye corne: and are troubled of hym.
Chap. xliii.
They come agayne for corne: brynge BenJamyn with them: and are put to more trouble.
Chap. xliiii.
As they go home he cauſeth thē be brought agayne: and put to more feare.
Chap. xlv.
Joſeph vttereth hym ſelfe to his brethren: and ſendeth for his father.
Chap. xlvi.
Jacob commeth in to Egypte with all his people: Joſeph receaueth hym.
Chap. xlvii.
Pharao geueth them the londe of Goſen: ye derth is great in Egypte. &c.
Chap. xlviii.
Jacob is ſycke: & bleſſeth Joſephs ſonnes.
Chap. xlix.
Jacob before his death telleth his ſonnes what ſhall happen vnto them, and dyeth.
Chap. l.
Joſeph burieth his father: and chargeth his brethren concernynge his bones: and dyeth in Egypte.