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Fo. i.

The firſt boke of Mo-

ſes, called Geneſis.

The firſt dayes worke.

The ſeconde dayes worke.

The thirde dayes worke.

The fourth dayes worke.

The fifth dayes worke.

The ſixte dayes worke.

The firſt Chapter


IN ye begynnynge God created heauen ⁊ earth: and ye earth was voyde and emptie and darcknes was vpon the depe, ⁊ ye ſprete of God moued vpō the water.[crossref 1]

And God ſayde: let there be light, ⁊ there was light. And God ſawe the light that it was good. Then God deuyded ye light from the darcknes, and called the light, Daye: and the darcknes, Night. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the firſt daye.

And God ſayde: let there be a firmament betwene the waters, and let it deuyde ye waters a ſunder. Then God made ye firmamēt, and parted the waters vnder the firmamēt, from the waters aboue the firmament: And ſo it came to paſſe. And God called ye firmament, Heauen. Then of the euenynge ⁊ mornynge was made the ſeconde daye.

And God ſayde: let the waters vnder heauen gather thēſelues vnto one place, yt the drye londe maye appeare.[crossref 2] And ſo it came to paſſe. And God called ye drye londe, Earth: and the gatheringe together of waters called he, ye See.


And God ſayde let ye earth bringe forth grene graſſe and herbe, that beareth ſede: ⁊ frute full trees, that maye beare frute, euery one after his kynde, hauynge their owne ſede in them ſelues vpon the earth. And ſo it came to paſſe. And the earth brought forth grene graſſe and herbe, yt beareth ſede euery one after his kynde, ⁊ trees bearinge frute, ⁊

  1. 4. Eſd. 6. d
    Eccli. 15. a
    Iere. 10. b
    Heb. 11. a
    Eſa. 44. c
  2. Iob. 26. b
    Pro. 8. c
