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The i. boke of Moſes.

The xv. Chap. Fo. vi.

the kynge of Ellaſar, Redorlaomer the kinge of Elam, ⁊ Thydeal the kynge of ye Heithen, That they made warre wt Birſa the kynge of Gomorra, ⁊ with Sineab the kynge of Adama, ⁊ with Semeaber the kynge of Zeboim, and with the kynge of Bela, which is called Zoar. Theſe came all together in to the brode valley, where now the ſalt ſee is: for twolue yeares were they ſubiectes vnto kinge Redorlaomer, ⁊ in the thirtenth yeare they fell from him. Therfore in the fourtenth yeare came Redorlaomer, and the kynges yt were with him, ⁊ ſmote the Giauntes in Aſtaroth Rarnaim, ⁊ Suſim at Ham, ⁊ Emim in the felde of Ririathaim, and yt Horites in their owne mount Seir vnto the playne of Pharan, which bordreth vpō the wildernes. And then they turned, ⁊ came to the well of iudgment(which is Cades) ⁊ ſmote all the countre of the Amalechites, and alſo the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazez on Thamar.


Then wente out the kynge of Sodome, ⁊ the kynge of Gomorra, ⁊ the kynge of Adama, and the kynge of Zeboim, and the kynge of Bela(called Zoar) ⁊ prepared them ſelues to fight in the brode valley wt Redorlaomer the kynge of Elam, ⁊ with Thideal ye kynge of the Heithen, ⁊ with Amraphel ye kynge of Synear, ⁊ with Arioch the kynge of Ellaſar: foure kynges wt fyue. And ye brode valley had many ſlyme pyttes. But the kynge of Sodoma and Gomorra were putte flight, ⁊ fell there, ⁊ the reſidue fled vnto ye mountaynes. Then toke they all the goodes at Sodoma and Gomorra, ⁊ all their vytales, ⁊ wente their waye. They toke Lot alſo Abrams brothers ſonne, ⁊ his good(for he dwelt at Sodome) and departed.


Then came one that had eſcaped, and tolde Abram the Aleaunt, which dwelt in the Okegroue of Mamre the Amoryte, which was the brother of Eſcol ⁊ Aner: for theſe were confederate with Abram.[crossref 1]

Now whan Abram herde yt his brother was taken, he harneſſed his bonde ſeruauntes borne in his owne houſe, thre hundreth ⁊ eightene, ⁊ folowed after them vntill Dan,[crossref 2] ⁊ deuyded thē, ⁊ fell vpō them by night wt his ſeruauntes, and ſmote thē, and chaſed them awaye vnto Hoba, which lieth on ye left hande of the cite of Damaſcos, and brought agayne all the goodes, and allſo his brother Lot, and his goodes, ye wemen alſo and the people.[crossref 3] And as he came agayne from the ſlaughter of Redorlaomer ⁊ of the kinges that were with him, the kynge of Sodome wente to mete him in to the playne felde, which is called kynges dale.[crossref 4]


But Melchiſedech the kynge of Salem brought forth bread and wyne. And he beynge the preſt of the moſt hye God, bleſſed him and ſayde: Bleſſed be thou Abram vnto the moſt hye God poſſeſſor of heauen and earth.[crossref 5] And prayſed be God the Hyeſt, which hath delyuered thine enemies in to thy handes. And Abram gaue him tythes of all.

Then ſayde the kynge of Sodome vnto Abram: Geue me the ſoules, and take ye goodes vnto thy ſelf. But Abram ſayde vnto the kinge of Sodome: I lift vp my honde vnto the LORDE the moſt hye God, poſſeſſor of heauen and earth, that I wyll not take, of all that is thyne, ſo moch as a threde or a ſhue lachet, leſt thou ſhuldeſt ſaye: I haue made Abram ryche: Saue onely that which the yonge men have ſpent, and the men Aner Eſcol and Mamre, that wente with me, let them take their parte.

The XV. Chapter.


IT happened after theſe actes, yt the worde of ye LORDE came vnto Abrā in a vyſion and ſayde: Feare not Abram, I am thy ſhylde and thy exceadinge greate rewarde. But Abram ſayde: LORDE LORDE, what wilt thou geue me? I go childles, and the ſeruaunt of my houſe(this Eleaſar of Damaſcos) hath a ſonne. And Abram ſayde morouer: Beholde, vnto me haſt thou geuen no ſede: and lo, the ſonne of my houſholde ſhal be myne heyre. And beholde, the worde of the LORDE ſpake vnto him, and ſaide: He ſhal not be thine heyre, but one that ſhal come out of thine owne body, he ſhal be thine heyre. And he had him go forth, and ſayde: Loke vp vnto heauen, and tell ye ſtarres: Canſt thou nombre them:? And he ſayde vnto him:[crossref 6] *Euen ſo ſhal thy ſede be.


Abram beleued the LORDE and yt was counted vnto him for righteouſnes. And he ſayde vnto him: I am ye LORDE,*[crossref 7] yt brought the from Vr out of Chaldea, to geue ye this londe to poſſeſſe it. But Abram ſayde: LORDE LORDE, Wherby ſhall I knowe, that I ſhall poſſeſſe it? And he ſayde vnto him: Take a cow of thre yeare olde, and a ſhe goate of thre yeare olde, and a ramme of thre yeare olde, and a turtyll doue, and a yonge pigeon.[crossref 8] And he toke all theſe, and deuyded them in the myddes, and layde the one parte ouer agaynſt the other, but the foules deuyded he not. And the foules fell vpō the fleſh, but Abram droue them awaye.


Now whan the Sonne beganne to go

  1. Gen. 13. d
  2. Ioſu. 10. b
    1. Re. 30. b
    Iere. 41. c
  3. Iob. 39. b
  4. Num. 31. b
  5. Hebr. 7. a
  6. Deu. 10. d
    Eſa. 49. d
    Iere. 33. d
    *Ro. 4. d
  7. Pſal. 105. d.
    Rom. 4. a
    Gala. 3. a
    Iaco. 2. c
    *Gen. 11. d
  8. Iere. 34. d