Page:Criminal Code of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1961.pdf/69

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shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year.

Article 187. Voluntary return of a banished person to areas from which he has been banished

The voluntary return of a banished person to areas from which he has been banished—

shall be punishable by replacement of banishment by exile for the unserved portion of the sentence.

Article 188. Escape from place of confinement or from guards

Escape from a place of confinement, or from guards, when committed by a person serving a sentence or under preliminary arrest—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years.

Escape, when accompanied by violence towards guards—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years.

Article 189. Concealment of crimes

The concealment of the crimes specified in articles 64 (treason), 65 (espionage), 66 and 67 (acts of terrorism), 68 (sabotage) , 69 (wrecking), 72 (organizational activity aimed at the commission of especially dangerous crimes against the state, or membership in an anti-Soviet organization), 77 (banditry), 87 (the manufacture or passing of counterfeit coins or currency), 102, 103, and 240 (item c) (premeditated homicide), 147 (second and third parts) (rape under aggravating circumstances), 89 (third part) and 144 (third part) (theft), 90 (third pert) and 145 (third part) (robbery), 91 and 146 (assault with intent to rob), if such concealment was nob promised beforehand—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one to five years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year.

Article 190. Misprision

The failure to report any of the crimes specified in 64 (treason), 65 (espionage), 66 and 67 (acts of terrorism), 68 (sabotage) , 69 (wrecking), 72 (organizational activity aimed at the commission of especially dangerous crimes against the state, or membership in an anti-Soviet organization), 77 (banditry), 87 (the manufacture or passing of counterfeit coins or currency),