Page:Criminal Code of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1961.pdf/70

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102, 103, and 240 (item c) (premeditated homicide), 117 (Second and third parts) (aggravated rape), 89 (third part) and 144 (third part) (theft), 90 (third part) and 145 (third part) (robbery), 91 and 146 (assault with intent to rob), when such crimes are reliably known to be in preparation or to have been committed—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one to three years, or by corrective labor for a period of from six months to one year.

Chapter Nine
Crimes against the Order of Government

Article 191. Resisting a representative of established government or of society who is performing his duty to keep public order

Offering resistance to a representative of established government who is performing duties imposed upon him by law, or resisting a representative of society who is carrying out his duty to keep public order, or coercing then into the performance of clearly illegal acts, when committed with violence or with a threat of violence—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 600 rubles.

Article 192. Contumely toward a representative of established government or a representative of society who is performing his duty to keep public order

The offering of a public insult to a representative of established government or a representative of society who is performing his duty to keep public order, in connection with the performance by such persons of the obligations incumbent upon them—

shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by application of measures of social action.

Article 193. Using threats or violence toward an official or public worker

A threat of murder, the infliction of serious bodily injuries, or of destroying property by means of arson, toward an official or public workers, employed with a view to terminating judicial or social activity, or changing its character; in the