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Criminal Law Act 1967
Ch. 5811

Sch 1.

implements and to removal of coining implements, coin or bullion from the Mint).

4. Offences against the following provisions of the 1911 c. 6.Perjury Act 1911:—

(a) section 2 (false statements on oath made otherwise than in judicial proceedings);
(b) section 3 (false statements etc., with reference to marriage);
(c) section 4 (false statements etc., as to births or deaths):
(d) section 5 (false statutory declarations and other false statements without oath);
(e) section 6 (false declarations etc., to obtain registration etc., for carrying on a vocation).

5.—(a) Offences consisting of the forgery of any document or thing, being offences triable on indictment or alternatively by a magistrates’ court, except offences against section 1 of the 1920 c. 75.Official Secrets Act 1920;

(b) Offences against section 13 of the 1891 c. 38.Stamp Duties Management Act 1891 (frauds in connection with stamps and dies);
(c) The following offences against the 1913 c. 27.Forgery Act 1913:—
(i) offences which would before the passing of that Act have constituted offences against section 13 of the Stamp Duties Management Act 1891;
(ii) offences against section 2(2)(a) in relation to any document, being an accountable receipt, where the amount of the money or the value of the property in respect of which the offence is committed does not exceed £20;
(iii) offences against section 4 (forgery of documents in general);
(d) Offences against section 36 of the 1925 c. 86.Criminal Justice Act 1925 (forgery of passport and false statement to obtain passport).

6.—(a) Bigamy and offences against the marriage laws.

(b) Offences, and attempts to commit offences, against section 6 of the 1956 c. 69.Sexual Offences Act 1956 (intercourse with girl under 16), and offences against section 13 of that Act (indecency between men)and attempts to procure the commission by a man of an act of gross indecency with another man.

7. Offences against section 60 of the 1861 c. 100.Offences against the Person Act 1861 (endeavouring to conceal birth of child).

8. Offences against section 9 of the 1828 c. 69.Night Poaching Act 1828 (poaching at night by armed gangs).

9. Conspiracies to commit offences punishable on summary conviction.