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12Ch. 58
Criminal Law Act 1967

Sch 1.

LIST B: Offences excluded (subject to List A) from jurisdiction of all courts of quarter sessions

1. Any offence for which a person may be sentenced to death.

2. Any offence for which a person may under or by virtue of any enactment be sentenced to imprisonment for life.

3. Misprision of treason.

4. Offences against the Queen’s title, prerogative, person or government, or against either House of Parliament.

5. Blasphemy and offences against religion.

6. Composing, printing or publishing blasphemous, seditious or defamatory libels.

7. Administering or taking unlawful oaths.

8. Perjury and subornation of perjury, offences against the 1911 c. 6.Perjury Act 1911, and offences which under any enactment are declared to be perjury or to be punishable as perjury or as subornation of perjury.

9. Forgery, offences against the 1913 c. 27.Forgery Act 1913 and offences which under any enactment are declared to be forgery or to be punishable as forgery.

10.—(a) Bigamy and offences against the marriage laws;

(b) Abduction of women and girls, and offences against sections 1 to 13, 17 to 27 and 29 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956;
(c) Attempts to commit offences against the following provisions of the 1956 c. 69.Sexual Offences Act 1956, namely, sections 2. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22 and 23, and attempts to procure the commission by a man of an act of gross indecency with another man.

11.—(a) Bribery;

(b) Offences under the 1906 c. 34.Prevention of Corruption Act 1906;
(c) Corrupt practices within the meaning of the 1949 c. 68.Representation of the People Act 1949 (including any provision of that Act as applied by section 67(5) of the 1964 c. 26.Licensing Act 1964).

12. Unlawful combinations and conspiracies, other than conspiracies or combinations to commit offences which the court in question has jurisdiction to try when committed by one person.

13.—(a) Stealing or fraudulently taking or injuring or destroying records or documents belonging to any court of law or equity or relating to any proceedings in a court of law or equity;

(b) Stealing or fraudulently destroying or concealing any document or written instrument being or containing evidence of the title to any real estate or any interest in land;
(c) Offences against sections 82, 83 and 84 of the 1861 c. 96.Larceny Act 1861 (frauds by directors etc. of bodies corporate and public companies);
(d) Offences against sections 20, 21 and 22 of the 1916 c. 50.Larceny Act 1916 (fraudulent conversion and offences by factors) other than offences of fraudulent conversion against section 20(1)(iv).