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the Queen at St. James' s Nov. 5.

3. Once more. The Excellence of this Religion deſerves our particular Regard for the great Wiſdom of its Civil Conſtitutions. The Meaſures directed to thoſe in a Governing, or private Capacity; for impartial Diſtiribution of Juſtice; for puniſhing , repairing, reſtraining, and even preventing of Wrongs were admirably tempered for cheriſhing Peace, and Order and good Underſtanding. The Precepts of Humanity, and Courteſie, and Compaſſion to all under any Diſvantage of Fortune and Condition, and the ſtrict Engagements to mutual Aſſiſtance in any common Diſtreſs; The Treatment of Servants, of Criminals, of the Poor; the Fatherleſs, and the Widow, were nicely calculated for Kindneſs and Amity, and killing the Seeds of Oppreſſion and Cruelty.. The Sacredneſs of mutual Contracts, the Rules for Borrowing and Lending, The Years of Releaſe and Jubilee, and the Unlawfulneſs of alienating Eſtates finally, Theſe laid the Axe to the very Root of Avarice and Ambition. So that one may venture to ſay, No Scheme of Gbvernment hath exceeded This in diſcountenancing a private and ſelfiſh, and incouraging generous and truly publick Spirit; in obliging Men to love and live like Brethren, and uniting them in an eager Zeal for the common Cauſe of their Country, and their God.

I cannot think Juſtice done to this Firſt Head, till it be left upon You with one Reflection, to which the Words of my Text do naturally lead me. It is, That in the Two Advantages we have been treating of, the Greatneſs and peculiar Felicity of Iſrael did chiefly and properly conſiſt. For thus we find Each of them introduced, What Nation is there ſo great that hath God ſo nigh unto them? And again, What Nation is there ſo great, that hath Statutes and Judgments ſo righteous?

And Great indeed they were in ſome reſpects, of which I think no Hiſtory affords a Parallel. A People, whoſe vaſt Increaſe and Power was not, like that of Other Nations, owing to Foreign Growth of Numbers, ingrafted upon the Original Stock, but all Natural Branches ſpringing from One and the ſame Root, A People, who,
