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A Sermon Preach'd before

thro' various Revolutions, and differing Forms of Government, preſerved their Conſtitution ſtill entire: Who made a noble Figure for 2000 Years: Who ſurvived Three moſt potent Monarchies and were not broken by the Fourth, till after Calamities and Devaſtations incomparably more dreadful, than any state beſides was ever able to ſuſtain.

Tis true, their Afiairs were not always proſperous; but when they were otherwiſe, God ſtill appeared nigh unto them. The diſmembring ten Parts of that Body at once, the long Captivity in ſtrange Lands, and the frequent Diſaſters in their own, did in the nature of the things, plainly tend to their ſpeedy Decay and utter Diſolution. But in the Event, What End did all theſe ſerve, ſo much as to render the ſpecial Providence over them more coniſpicuous and aſtoniſhing? For to What elſe can we aſcribe thoſe wonderful Recoveries of Strength, which, like Health to Patients given over for dead, no ordinary Means were adequate to, no Rules of Humane Policy could account for? The barbarities of their Adverſaries reſorted back in Vengeance and Ruin upon the Oppreſſors themſelves, and the ſubtleſt Contrivances to work their Downfal ſo often converted into Means of their firmer Eſtabliſhment and more glorious Exaltation, muſt needs have proceeded from the immediate Hand of Him, who takes the Crafty in their own Devices, and ſuffers no Weapon formed againſt his Choſen to proſper.

To theſe uncommon Conſequences the Righteouſneſs of their Statutes and Judgments did alſo greatly contribute. Upon Them the Promiſes of Divine Protection and Favour were ſuſpended, ſo that Theſe, while obſerved, continued an impregnable Defence. The Afflictions ſent for neglect of Theſe, by bringing them back to a better Senſe, did at the ſame time bring back God's Readineſs to hear and help. The Wiſdom of this Law ſtruck an Awe into Strangers, ſoftned their Enemies, and more than once recommended them to ſuch Indulgence from Heathen Princes, as patronize their Cauſe, and became the principal Inſtrument of reſtoring the Peace of their
