Page:Curiosities of Olden Times.djvu/42

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Curiosities of Olden Times

of a bribe, this was accomplished. Before the hour had expired, the chapel was empty—the bird had flown.

An excellent plan of indicating the telling letter or word is through the heading of the letter. "Sir," would signify that every third letter was to be taken; "Dear sir," that every seventh; "My dear sir," that every ninth was to be selected. A system, very early adopted, was that of having pierced cards, through the holes of which the communication was written. The card was then removed, and the blank spaces filled up. As for example:

My dear X.—[The] lines I now send you are forwarded by the kindness of the [Bearer], who is a friend. [Is not] the message delivered yet [to] my Brother? [Be] quick about it, for I have all along [trusted] that you would act with discretion and despatch.—Yours ever, Z.

Put your card over the note, and through the piercings you will read: "The Bearer is not to be trusted."

The following letter will give two totally distinct meanings, according as it is read, straight through, or only by alternate lines:—

Je m'empresse de vous écrire pour vous declarer
que vous vous trompez beaucoup si vous croyez
que vous êtes celle pour qui je soupire.
II est bien vrai que pour vous éprouver,
Je vous ai fait mille aveux. Après quoi

vous êtes devenue l'objet de ma raillerie. Ainsi