Page:Curious myths of the Middle Ages (1876).djvu/39

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to that inflicted on Ahasverus, because they refused shelter to the Virgin and Child on their flight into Egypt[1]. Another tradition connects the Jew with the wild huntsman, and there is a forest at Bretten, in Swabia, which he is said to haunt. Popular superstition attributes to him there a purse containing a groschen, which, as often as it is expended, returns to the spender[2].

In the Harz one form of the Wild Huntsman myth is to this effect,—that he was a Jew who had refused to suffer our Blessed Lord to drink out of a river, or out of a horse-trough, but had contemptuously pointed out to Him the hoof-print of a horse, in which a little water had collected, and had bid Him quench His thirst thence[3].

As the Wild Huntsman is the personification of the storm, it is curious to find in parts of France that the sudden roar of a gale at night is attributed by the vulgar to the passing of the Everlasting Jew.

A Swiss story is, that he was seen one day standing upon the Matterberg, which is below the Matterhorn, contemplating the scene with mingled

  1. Aventinus, Bayr. Chronik, viii.
  2. Meier, Schwäbischen Sagen, i. 116.
  3. Kuhn u. Schwarz, Nordd. Sagen, p. 499.