Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/240

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HALL studied in Diisseldorf in 1840, and painted i in the Stable (187G) ; Horses on Towing- in Paris in 1850-52 ; sketched in Spain in ; Path (1877). 18(iO and 1800 ; elected N.A. in 1808. Vis- [ HALLE, C. E. ; contemporary. Figure ited Italy in 1872, Egypt and Cairo in 1875. and portrait painter. Son of the eminent Professional life passed chiefly in New York, musician Charles Halle. Exhibits chiefly in Studio in Koine (1884). Works: Group of the Grosvenor Gallery. Works : Little Blue- Spanish Children (1808) ; Young Lady of Stocking, Friends, the Gareloch, Arrochar, Seville and her Duenna (1870) ; Seasons, 4 Nuremberg (1877) ; Rain Cloud (1878); To pictures (1871), llichard Butler, New York ; God and My Love's Eight Arm (1879) ; Cup Pomegranates (1874); April Showers (1870), of Tea, St. George and Dragon, Premi ! Graziella, Governor Fairbanks; Spice B:i- (1880); Dance of Shepherdesses, Wild Boar xaar Cairo (1879) ; Studies of Grapes, Hunt (1881) ; Nora Creena, Judith, Prep- J. J. Astor, New York ; Turner's Shop arations (1882) ; Youth and Age, Hebe, Catskill (1880) ; Bric-u-Brac of Damascus, Phyllis (18815) ; Feeding the Pigeons, An Home, and Seville (1881) ; Catskill Mountain Unfrequented Path, portrait of Mary Ander- Laurels, Peaches (1882) ; Window in Yen- sou (1884) ; The Mirror, Pets, Fortune-Tel- ice, Strawberries (1883). Tuckerman, ler, two portraits (1885). 4S3. HALLK, CLAUDE GUY, born in Paris, HALL, SYDNEY P., born at Newmar- Jan. 17, 1052, died there, Nov. 5, 1736. ket in 1842. Genre and portrait painter, French school ; history painter, son and pu- pupil of Hoyal Academy and of Arthur pil of Daniel H. (history painter, 1031-75) ; Hughes ; special artist of London Graph- won first prize of the Academy in 1075. ic. Accompanied Prince of Wales to India Painted many well-composed, but not always in LS70 as staff artist. Works : Heview well-drawn, pictures for French churches in Windsor Park July 10, 1877, Queen and palaces. Member of Academy, 1082 ; visiting Camp at Ascot Heath 1877 (1878); professor, 1702 ; rector, 1730. Works : St. Chapter of Order of Star of India Cal- Paul preventing his Jailer from killing Him- cutta, January 1, 1870 (1880), painted for self, Louvre ; Christ driving out Money- Lord Northbrook ; Their First Voyage Changers (1080); Annunciation, NotreDame; (1882) ; Duke and Duchess of Teck receiv- Submission of the Doge of Genoa to Louis ing Officers of Indian Contingent (1883); XIV., Versailles Museum ; St. Nicholas giv- Descent on Italy, portraits of Princesses ing Alms, Grenoble Museum ; lo changed Louise, Victoria, and Maud of Wales (1884); into a Cow; A Lord Chamberlain, Portrait of Major- I j A I I C 1 ( | r Jesus at Em- General Earlc (1885). U mans ; Holy HALLATZ, EMIL, born in Frankfort- Family ; Sacrifice to Cupid. Bellier de la on-the-Oder in 1837. Animal painter, Chavignerie, i. 737 ; Jal, 070 ; Lejeune, pupil of Berlin Academy and of StefFeck ; Guide, iii. 121. went in 1802 to Paris to study the works HALLE, NOEL, born in Paris, Sept. 2, of Troyon and Rosa Bonhcur, and visited 1711, died there, June 5, 1781. French Italy in 1803. Works : Percheron Horses ; school ; history painter, son and pupil of Crossing Jutland Frontier ; Importation ' Claude Guy Hallo ; won 2d grand prix in of Grain into Normandy (1808) ; Herd in 1734, and grand prix de Rome in 1736. Approaching Storm ; Stag Hunt (1872) ; Though a good draughtsman, he was weak Village Scene ; Coast Scene near Dieppe ; in composition and colour. He became Journey of the three Magi ; Life-boat ; Fes- ! Member of Academy, 1748 ; professor in tive Riding at Harvest (1875); Snow-storm > 1755, assistant rector and treasurer in 1777, in the Puszta ; The Old Hypochondriacs ' and rector in 1781 ; superintendent of Go- 200