Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/269

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IIEIDELOFF painter, engraver, and lithographer. Stud- ied at the /iiricli Art School under Meyer, Huber, and Konrad Gessner, then from 1799 in Zweibriicken, and in 1801 in Mu- nich under Quaglio and Hauenstoin. In 1805 he entered the Bavarian army and fought against Napoleon in Spain, Germany, and France ; in 181(5-25 he painted in Sal/- burg and Munich ; in 1828 was commander in Nauplia, Greece, and military governor of Argos ; in 1829-313 painted in Munich. and in latter year went again to Greece and reorganized the army. On his return lie was made baron, lieutenant-general, and chief of a department in the ministry of war. His pictures of wars in Spain and Greece are historically interesting, and to- gether with his landscapes and genre pieces artistically meritorious. Works : Bavarian Tree-Fellers (1823), Pallicares near Corinth (182!)), National Gallery, Berlin; Camp of the Philhellenes before Athens, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Donkey Drivers in Italian Osteria (1830), Kunstlialle, Hamburg; Scene in Spanish Guerilla War in 180'.) (1824), Leip- sie Museum ; Views in Greece and Spain (<>), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Angora Gate at Athens (18158), Kmiigsberg Museum ; oth- ers in Schleissheim and Stuttgart Galleries ; and many in the possession of the royal family of Bavaria. Allgeni. d. Biogr., xi. 295; Cotta's Kunstbl. (1835), 15; Nagler, Mon., ii. 303 ; Kac/ynski, ii. 387. HEIDELOFF, VICTOR PKTEH, born in Stuttgart in 1757, died there in 18 Hi. Ger- man school ; history and genre painter, pu- pil of Stuttgart Academy under Guibal. Harper, and Scotti ; became court-painter in 1780, visited Italy in 1782-8G, and was professor at the Stuttgart Academy in 17'.0 93. Works : Four Seasons, Exit from The- atre, Royal Palace, Stuttgart ; Two Ceiling Paintings, Stuttgart Academy ; Altai-piece, Rottweil. His son and pupil, Karl Alexan- der (born in Stuttgart, Feb. 2, 1788, died at Hassfurt, Sept. 28, 18(55), more noted as an architect, painted Emperor Maximil- ian at the Grave of Duke Eberhard, iu the Royal Palace at Stuttgart ; and Knight Toggenburg, in the collection of Count Fries, ib. Wagner, Gesch. d. Karlsschule, i. K12. HKI UFA-REICH, Gl'STAV, born in Ber- lin in ISI'.I, died there in 1855. History painter, pupil in Brcslau of A. F. Ki'inig and in Berlin of Wach. Works : Hertlia and Odin, The Nonue, 1'lav of the Nixies, Combat of Giants, New Museum, Berlin; Material and Mental Development of ( Ireece, Old Museum, ib. Kunstbl. (185(i), It. HKIGEL. FRAN/ NAPOLKON. born in Paris, May 15, 1S13. Portrait and genre painter, son of Josef, pupil of Munich Acad- emy, then studied in Paris ; visited Italy repeatedly in ls:{ ( .l-.J(!. also Belgium and France, and became court-painter in Mu- nich. Bavarian medal for Art and Science; Member of Socicte beige des Aquarcllistes. Works : Portraits of Royal Family of Ba- varia ; National Costume Pictures; Genre Scenes. Midler, 24(5. HEIJDE, JAN VAN DKR. See II,-,,. <lt'n. HEIL. DANIEL VAN, born at Brussels in KiOl, died in 1<>(>2. Flemish school ; landscape painter, master unknown ; after having acquired considerable reputation, he abandoned his former subjects for confla- grations, which lie represented with unusual efl'ect. Works : Conflagration. Lille Museum ; Winter Landscape, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. Leonard van Heil, his brother (born in Brussels in 1(505), painted architecture, (lowers, and insects ; and Jan Baptist van Heil, a younger brother (born in Brussels in 1(50!)), was a history and portrait painter. He was living in 1(5(51. HEILBUTH, FERDINAND, born in Hamburg, naturalized in France ; contem- porary. Genre painter. At first merely a skilful painter of costumes, he developed at Rome his peculiar talent for treating life and manners with that fine sense of hu- mour and insight into character which has won him a wide reputation. Medals : 2d class, 1857, 1859, and 18(51 ; L. of rx