Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/270

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HEILMAYER Honour, 1801; Officer, 1881. Works : 'of Temple of Jerusalem (1822) ; St. Hya- Titian the Younger with his Lady Love einth reviving a Drowned Person (1827), (1857), Itaveni' Gallery, Berlin ; Luca Signo- Notre Dame, Paris ; Charles X. distributing relli by the Dead Body of his Son (1859), Rewards to Artists at Exhibition of 1824 Orphans, Watteau and his Sweetheart, Male (1827), Louvre ; Andrieux reading in the Portrait, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Absolution Lobby of the Coined ie-f ran <;aise (1847); De- in St. Peter's; The Mont-de-Pk'to (1861), fence of Burgos, Louis Philippe receiving Luxembourg Museum ; On Monte Pincio, the Deputies come to offer him the Crown Corcoran Gallery, Washington; In His (1884), do. receiving the Chamber of Peers, Eminence's Waiting Room ; Cardinal enter- Champ do Mai of 1815, Battle of Rocroy, ing his Carriage ; Spring-time ; On the Portraits of Marquis de Chamilly, Due de River-side, In (lie Fields, William Astor, la Forte, Coiute d'Estrades, Marquis de New York ; The Seine ; Fine Weather Bournonville, Versailles Museum ; Vesuvius (1881); Idlers in Anteroom of the Vatican receiving Heavenly Fire from Jupiter, The (I8S2); Promenade (1884); Lawn-tennis, Revival of the Arts, ceilings in Louvre; Presentation (1885). Meyer, Conv. Lex., Charlemagne causing his Capitularies to be xvii. 443 ; Quarterly Rev., i. 253. read, Louis the Fat freeing the Towns, St. HEILMAYER, KARL, born in Munich, Louis causing the Publication of his Ordi- March 5, 182!). Landscape painter, son of nances, Louis XII. organizing the Chamber the portrait and landscape painter Emil H., of Accounts, Defeat of the Cimbri and Teu- pupil of Munich Academy ; travelled exten- tons (1853), Palais Bourbon ; Victory of Ju- sively in Germany, Italy, and France. Works: das Maccabieus (1855); Subject from His- Foggy Morning on Lake Starnberg ; Moon- tory of the Jews (1824). Bellier, i. 751; light Night in Normandy ; The Lido in Larousse ; Gaz. dcs. B. Arts (1867), xxii. Venice ; View on Via Appia near Rome ; 40 ; Meyer, Gesch., 1G7. Smugglers crossing Mountain, New Pinako HEIMERDINGEK, FRIEDR1CH, born thek, Munich. Miiller, 24(>. in Altona, Jan. 10, 1817, died in Hamburg, HEIM, FRANCOIS JOSEPH, born at Oct., 1883. Animal and still-life painter, Belfort, Jan. 15, 17S7, died in Paris, Oct. pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Theodor 20, 18IJ5. History painter, pupil of Yin- : Hildebrandt ; continued his studies in Mu- cent, won grand prix in 1807, and lived in nich, whence he visited Switzerland. He Rome about six years. With the rise of afterwards founded a preparatory school for the romantic school he lost his popularity, artists in Hamburg. Works : Foxes con- and was called by the critics the fossil of testing Booty (1848), Kunsthalle, Hamburg; the Academy, but his merits were again Scene from Elf Life (1800) ; Lurking Fox recognized at the Salon of 1855. Medals : (18G1) ; Nut-Cracker (1871); Plover (1875); 1st class, 1812 ; Member of Institute, 1829 ; Rabbit and Frog ; Fen-Duck ; Fruit-Seller. Professor, 1831 ; L. of Honour, 1825 ; Offi- Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 9 ; Miiller, 247. cer, 1855 ; grand medal of honour, 1855. HEINE, WILHELM. born in Diisseldorf, Works : Arrival of Jacob in Mesopotamia ' April 18, 1813, died June 29, 1839. Genre (1812), Bordeaux Museum ; Ptolemteus painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy, and Philopator (1817), Amiens Museum; Joseph's j an artist of great promise at the time of his Coat brought to Jacob (1817), Lyons Mu- premature death. Works: Poachers, Smug- seum ; Raising of Lazarus, Titus pardoning gler (1834); Tramp (1835); Peasant Cot- Conspirators ; Martyrdom of St. Cyr and tage (183G) ; Criminals at Church (1837), of St. Juliet (1819), St. Gervais, Paris ; Leipsic Museum ; replica (1838), National Martyrdom of St. Hippolytus, Notre Dame, I Gallery, Berlin. W. Miiller, Dusseldorf K, Paris ; Rescue of King of Spain ; Capture ' 289.