Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/315

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IIOGEIl king, whose studio he 1ia<l frequented. As his book-plates were not profitable, he set up as a portrait painter ami met with con- siderable success. In 17:5:5 lie completed his series of six pictures entitled the Har- lot's Progress (5 burned at Fonthill, 1755 : 1, the sixth picture, Karl of Wemys, Gos- ford House), which was followed by the Ital-K's Progress (8 pictures), ami Murrid'/i- a la Mode (0), in which ho reached tin- height of his art, his more ambitious works, such as the (lood Samaritan (17:50), Paul before Felix (1748), Moses brought to Pharaoh's Daughter (1752), and others, being less suc- cessful. Among his other pictures painted especially for engraving arc : Southwark Fair (17:5:5), Duke of Newcastle ; Midnight Modern Conversation (17:54) ; Distressed Poet (17:55) ; The Four Times of the Day (17:58) ; Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn (17:58, burned at Littleton House, near Staines, 1S74); The Enraged Musician (1741); C,ilai.t( late (174!)); March to /'/m-/i- /'</ (1750); The Klft-tinii (1755), Soane Mu- seum, London. In 1753 he published a work entitled "The Analysis of Beauty"; iu 1757 he was appointed Serjeant-painter to the king. Hogarth painted several por- traits of himself ; the best of them, in which he is represented with his dog Trump ( 1 7 15 1. is in the National Gallery, London. Oilier pictures in the National Gallery are: Mur- riaye a la Mode (G), Portrait of his sister, Mary Hogarth (1740), Sii/ixinii<lii (170:$), Family Group, Polly f'i'nrhuni, Shriinji Girl ; Garrii-k as Richard III., Earl of Feversham. Dobson, Biogr. Great Ar- tists ; Boydell, Works, etc. (London, 17 ( J2, new ed. 1849); Home, Works (London, 18GO); L'Ar- tiste (1882), ii. 305, 403 ; Portfolio (1872), 140; Athenffium, Dec., 1874, 888; G. A. Sala, Hogarth (London, 180C) ; Redgrave, Century, i. 44 ; Trusler, Works (London, 1821); Zeitscbr., vii. 1, 44. HOGEH, JOSEF, born in Vienna, Nov. 2, 1801, died there, May 13, 1877. Land- scape painter, pupil of the Vienna Academy under MiJssmer, and then much influenced by Rebell, and later by his brother-in-law, Frit/ Gauermaun. Studied nature in Styrin, Tyrol, and Upper Austria. In 184:5 he be- came member of the Vienna Academy, and took an active part in its reorganization in 1865. He was in great demand as a teacher in the highest circles >if Vienna, and gave the empress lessons in water-colour paint- ing. Work* : Chapel iii the Ramsau 18:55), Count Beroldillgi'll, Vienna ; View near Lun- denburg ; Wood with Stags (1847) ; Land- scape in Stria il85d), AuMrian Art Union; View near Bcrchtesgadeii (1852); Entrance to Woods (18I53), View in PaNchkau--Mo- ravia (1857), Views near Patsc-hkau (:i, 18581, Landscape with Storm Atmosphere, View near Lundcnhurg. Count Saint Genois, Vi- enna; Wood Landscape in the Mountains (185C.), Museum, ib. Kunst-( 'lironik, ii. 721 ; Wur/bach. i. 1 Id. HOGUET, CHAULES, born Nov. 21, 1821, died there, Aug. 4, 1870. Landscape, genre, and marine painter, pupil of Krnuse.and in Paris of Ciceri ; went in 1841 to Kn jrlan d . and in 1842 studied again in Paris under Isa- bey. Gold medal in Paris (1848) and Berlin. Member of Berlin Academy in LSIl'.t. Works : The Cook ; Rue Pirouette in Paris ; Coast near Yport ; From Normandy ; Gust of Wind ; Last Windmill on Montmartre (temporarily in Stettin Museum), Still Life (1852), The Wreck (18(54), National Gallery, Berlin ; Rocky Landscape, Woodland (1854), Land- scape with Water, Ravone Gallery, ib.; Mar- ket Scene at Rouen. Marine. Lighthouse near Boulogne, Mill on Montmartre, Store- room, Windmill, Winter Landscape, Saar- dam, Stettin Museum. Dioskuren (1870), 2'.i:i ; Jordan (1885), ii. 102 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 343.