Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/339

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IIORCICKA lier two grandchildren in the background. Miniatures, National Museum. Munich ; Salon, 178;"). Sketch, with changes, in Hortulus Aniin:i', and several Codices. Im- Louvre. Engraved by Morel. Lundon, periol Library, Vienna ; Psalter and Offici- Musce, vii. PI. 01. mil in three Folio Volumes, Vatican, Koine. HORCICKA, FRANZ, born in Prague, Immerzeel, ii. 55 ; Kramni, iii. 747; Mich- June 2!), 1770, died there, April r>, LS5(;. ids, vi., 40(i ; Nagler, Mon., ii. :!7. History and portrait painter, pupil from IK (REMANS, JAN JO/KF, the elder, 17KO of Ludwig Kohl, and from ISOII of born at Antwerp, baptized Nov. lii, HIS 1 .', IJergler in the Academy. At Prague he died then-, Aug. 7, 17-V.I. Flemi*h school ; was the first portrait painter of the day un- genre painter, tirst instructed by the sculp- til Jacob Clinzel supplanted him in 1S2'J. tor Michiel van der Voort, tlien pupil of Invented a valuable way of restoring pict- Jan van Pee; master of the guild in 170(i. nres, and in 1S11 started the first public art His pictures were skilfully composed, but exhibition in Prague. Works: St. Wenceslansde- stroving the Idol Swan- tovit ; St. Albert blessing the Country, St. George ami the Dragon ; Holy Trinity : Portraits of Ig- natius Cornova, of the Mathematician ( ierstner, of Abbe Dobrowsky, of the Philosopher Uolxano, the Historian Pel/el, the Phy- siologist Purkyne. All- gem. deutsche 15iogr., xiii. 125. HOREBOUT (Hooren- bout, Horebault, Home- bold), GERARD, born in Ghent (?) about 14KO, died in London in l.")40. Flem- ish school ; history painter, supposed pupil heavy and untruthful in colouring, of Memling, and one of tlie great masters Admission of an Abbot into I'Vnrin of the old Flemish school, excelling espe- pany. Antwerp Museum ; Musical Conipany cially as a painter of miniatures, of which |171">). Brunswick Museum ; Comjiany the famous breviary of Charles V. may be around Table. Lady making I>og I>ance, taken as an example. He was in Ghent in Dutch Peasant Room, Company of Peasants, 1510-11, worked for the Princess Margaret Interior of Gardener's Dwelling. Cassel (!al- of Austria in 1510-21, and Albreeht Purer lery ; Peasants' Frolic in a Tavern, P.rawl iu knew him in the latter year at Antwerp, a Tavern, Darmstadt Museum ; Tavern Having afterwards gone to England, ho was Scenes ('2). Copy after Hogarth's Harlot's appointed painter to Henry VIII. Works: Progress. Historical Society, New York; Double Diptych (attributed to Memling), Shoemaker in his Shop, Mother by a Cradle Antwerp Museum ; Madonna Enthroned (?), Sewing. Dresden Museum : Peasant Family Darmstadt Museum ; Madonna, Christ tak- at Table (2), Hanover Gallery; Village iug Leave of his Mother, Prayer Book with School, Shoemaker's Shop (171'J), ienna