Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/340

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110 REMANS Museum ; Shoemaker's Family, Tea Seller, Card Players, Saying Grace. Uflizi, Florence; Tavern Scenes (2), Historical Society, New York ; Country School, Pennsylvania Acad- rmy, Philadelphia. Kranim, iii. 7-18 ; Rooses (Reber), 449 ; Van den Brandon, 1189. HOREMAXS, -TAX JO/EF, the younger, born at Antwerp, Jan. 15, 1714, died after 1700. Flemish school ; genre painter, son and pupil of Jan Jo/ef the elder ; entered the guild in 17(17. Subjects similar to those of his father, but drawn from a higher grade of society. Works: Antwerp Family at Table (175S), Cavalier and two Ladies in a Landscape, Theodor van Lerius, Antwerp ; Signing the Marriage Contract (17(>7), Wer- brouck Family (1785), P. J. Taeymans, ib. ; Heading the Marriage Contract (17(58), Flemish Kirmess, A. Yerachtert, ib. ; Fish Market, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Landlord and his Tenant, Horse Pond, lie- turning from the Hunt, Xew York Muse- um. Kramm, iii. 749 ; Yan den Branden, 1191. HOREMAXS, PEETER JACOB, born at Antwerp, baptized Oct. 20, 1700, died in Munich in 177li. Flemish school ; genre and portrait painter, brother and pupil of Jan Jozef the elder ; went in 1725 to Mu- nich, where two years later he was made court painter to Elector Charles Albrecht (Emperor Charles YII.). Works : Fruit- piece (17C8), Augsburg Gallery ; Woman and two Children, Brunswick Museum ; Violin Player, Provinzial Museum, Hanover; Fruit-pieces (2) (17CG), Male Portrait, Fe- male do. (2), Germanic Museum, Nurem- berg ; Artist's Portrait, Sculptor Grooft (17GG), Male Portraits (2) (1774), Emperor Charles VII., Duchess Maria Anna, Duchess Theresa Beuedicta, Duke Clemens August (1743), Duke Johann Theodor (1743), Duch- ess Maria Anna Cai'oline (1738), Duke Fer- dinand Maria Innocenz (1735), Duke Maxi- milian Franz de Paula (1738), Electress Therese Kunigunde, Electress Maria Anna, Elector Max Emanuel, Empress Marie Amalie, Duchess Marie Antonie (1742), Schleissheim Gallery ; Peasant Kitchen, Children's School, Bowlers, Game at Draughts, Tavern Scenes (2), Uffizi, Flor- ence. Kramm, iii. 74!) ; Repertorium f. K , ii. 425 ; Hiegel, Beitriige, ii. 141 ; Van den Branden, 1102. HORXEMAXX, FRIEDRICH ADOLF, born at Hanover, May 10, 1813. Genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Cornelius, whom he assisted in the fresco paintings in the Ludwigskirche ; lived then for several years in Paris and Hamburg ; visited Southern Russia in 1855, became honorary member of St. Petersburg Acad- emy, and in 18G7 settled in Diisseldorf. j Works : PtVe David (185G), Children teas- ing Magpie (1857), A Cardinal (1858), Russian Officers in Circassian Captivity (1850), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Wedding Banquet ; Wandering Musicians ; Morning Greeting ; Vaccination in the Country (18G8); Return of Landwehrman ; Grandmother's Birthday ; Forgive my Sin (1875) ; Thou my Love, A Monk, Rural Dance (1880). Milller, 2GG. HORNUXG, JOSEF, born in Geneva in 1702, died there, Feb. 3, 1870. History painter, instructed by a painter of the clas- sical French school ; tried first landscape painting, but, by advice of Toepffer the ! elder, turned to genre, and soon made a name, especially in France, with his scenes from Savoyard life ; finally took up histori- cal subjects, which he treated with a pro- found knowledge of the spirit and condi- tions of the IGth century. Works : Feasting , Savoyards ; Merry Shoemaker ; Little Chim-