Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/419

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JITITER JUPITER AND EUROPA. See Eur<n>n, Rape of. JUPITER AND GANYMEDE. Sec Ganymede. JUPITER, INFANCY OF, C!n<li,, Ro- Javier destroying Crimes, Paolo Veronese, Louvre, mano, National Gallery, London ; wood, II 3 ft. 5 in. x 5 ft. it in. Sleeping infant in a cradle, attended by three women, on a small verdant island, on the further side of which are two groups of musicians (the Ciiretes). Formerly in the Orleans Gallery, then in that of Lord Northwick at Cheltenham, whence purchased in 185'.). The landscape is possibly byGiambattista Dossi. Cat. Nat. Gal. JUPITER AND IO, Vorrcyr/i<>, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 1 in. x 2 ft. I! in. lo, nude, sitting on a little hill, is embraced by Jupiter in a cloud ; in lower corner, a hind's head drinking from a stream. Painted about 1530-32 (?) for Emperor Charles V. (?). Passed from Spain to Milan, where it belonged to the sculptor Leone Leoni, whose son Pompeo sold it to Rodolph II. ; was taken to Vienna, and thus escaped the fate of the Leda and the Dana*'. Old copy in the Berlin Museum ; mutilated when in the Orleans collection, like the Lftln, by Louis the Pious, and passed with it to Her lin. Engraving of the Vienna original by G. Duchangc (ITOo), bv Bartolo/./i, Van dcr Steen, Mayer, H. Cramer, Reveil, .1. John- son. Berlin copy engraved bv Desrochers. Meyer, Correggio, 344, 4 Sit ; Kiinst. Lex., i. 4:!'.) ; Landon. (Kuvrcs, viii. I'l. IJ2 ; La- rousse, ix. "77; Reveil, xii. S17. By Andrea ,S'.v'i/</r, ,//,, Hermitage, St. Pe- tersburg. JUPITER AND LKDA. See /.,,/,/. .irSTA AND 1MT1NA. SS., .I/r,//o, SevilU; Museum ; canvas, H. (I ft. '. in. ,' ") ft. 11 in. Standiii!.'. looking front, liol.ling between them a model of the Giralda, as it was before the Christian alterations; each Jup . . - V,nn.i has a palm in left hand ; hi front, vases ly- ing on ground. Painted about 1(!7(! for high altar of Church of Capuchin Convent, Seville. Companion to SS. Leandro and 37