Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/420

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JUSTA three-quarters right, looking up. Compan- ion to St. llufma (Stafford House). Proba- Bonaventura. Lithographed by Geoffroy. the murderer, and Justice, with the sword Curtis, 258. an( l scales. Painted for the Palais de Jus- JUSTA, ST., Murillo, Stafford House, i tice ; afterwards in Luxembourg ; placed London ; H. 3 ft. x 2 ft. 2 in. Half-length, in Louvre in 182G. Copy by Gericault in in yellow robe and blue mantle, standing Louvre. Engraved by Roger, Hocquart, A. Geli'-e. Villot, Cat. Louvre. JUSTINA, ST., Morelto, Vienna Museum; bly from Altamira sale (1827), 325 10s., wood, H. G ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 5 in. St. Justina though Lord Gower thinks the two belonged standing, palm in hand, with unicorn by her to Marshal Soult. Engraved by Blanchard, ' side as emblem of chastity ; at the right, a pere. Curtis, 257; Gowcr, Hist, Gal. of knight kneeling ; background, picturesque England. [ landscape, a city and mountains. Painted JUSTICE, Raphael. Camera della Segna- 1 about 1535; long in Hofburg, Innspruck, whence taken in 1GG2 to Castle of Ambras and after- wards to Vienna. Long at- tributed to Pordenone. C. &. C., N. Italy, ii. 404. JUSTINA, ST., MAR- TYRDOM OF, Paolo Vero- nese, S. Giustina, Padua ; canvas. St. Justina of Pad- ua, accused of being a Christian, is put to death by order of the Emperor Masimian. She is kneeling with outstretched arms while the executioner, standing behind, thrusts his sword into her bosom ; two other standing figures at right and two at left. Paint- ed about 15G8. Replica in the Uffizi, Florence. En- M.,,,y,dom of St. Justina, Paolo Veronese, S., Padua. ^^A by Agog _ Carracci tura, Vatican; fresco, medallion on ceiling. (1582); Lasinio. Lasinio, Gal. de Florence, i. Female figure, crowned with diadem, holds PI. 47 ; Bartsch, xviii. 78 ; Soc. Ed. & Paris, sword in right hand and scales in left. Gal di Firenze, PI. 73 ; Ridolfi, Marav., ii. 32. Painted in 1512. Engraved I!. Mor- JUSTINIAN PROMULGATING THE ghen, and others. Miiutz, 311, 31(5, 350. JUSTICE AND VENGEANCE, Pierre PANDECTS, Raphael, Camera della Segna- tura, Vatican ; fresco, left of window. The Paul Prud'hon, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 8 emperor in a purple mantle, seated, giving ft. x 9 ft. G in. ; signed, dated 1808. At left, the books to Tribouianus, kneeling ; behind in a rocky desert place, lighted by the moon, the throne, six jurists, two of whom , Theoph- a man, poniard in hand, flees from his vie- ilus and Dorotheas, hold the books of the tim, a young man whose dead body, nude, new Institutions and the Constitutions. II- is stretched on the ground ; above, flying, lustrates the consecration of Civil Law ; are Vengeance, with a torch, ready to seize companion piece to Gregory promulgating