Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/66

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EYCK (dated Oct. 30, 1421), Chatsworth, England ; van Eyck ; existence only lately established. Seated Madonna (14152), Inoe Hall, near Only work attributed to him, an altarpiece, Liverpool, England ; Burghley House Ma- consisting of a centre and two wings (1445), donna, Marquis of Exeter ; Portraits of in the Van der Schrick Collection, Louvain. John Amolfini of Lucca and his wife (1434), C. &. C., Flemish Painters, 133 ; Kramm, and two half-length male portraits (1432- ii. 405. 33), National Gallery, London ; Virgin and EYCK, MARGARET VAN, born (?), died Donor, Louvre ; Madonna with Donor, not later than 1430. Flemish school ; sister Rothschild Collection, Paris ; Cardinal della of Hubert, Jan, and Lambert Van Eyck. She Croce (1430), Canon Jan van der Leeuw is said to have been a skilful painter, but (1430), Vienna Museum ; Paele Madonna none of the works assigned to her are cer- (1430), portrait of Jan's wife (1439), and tainly authentic. She died before Jan, and Head of Christ (1420), Bruges Academy ; was buried, like Hubert, in the Cathedral Lucca Madonna, Stiidel Institute, Frank- at Ghent. A Madonna, National Gallery, fort ; Triptych with Christ blessing, Cassel London, is attributed to her. Biog. uat. do Gallery ; Head of Christ (1438), Man with , Belgiqup, vi. 800 ; C'. &, C., Flemish Paint- the Pinks, Berlin Museum ; Altarpiece, ers, 12!) ; Kramm, ii. 404. Dresden Gallery ; S. Barbara (1437), and a EYCK, NICOLAAS VAN, born at Ant- Madonna (1439), Antwerp Museum ; Annun- werp, baptized Feb. 9, 1017, died there in elation, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Triumph 1079. Flemish school ; military, genre, and of the Church, Madrid Museum ; The Fount battle painter, brother of Kaspar van Eyck, . of Salvation? Mu- pupil of Theodor Rombouts. Probably I l^/lj scum of the Santa several of his works, which were greatly es- s P _^ l^^-lO- Trinidad, Madrid, teemed in the 18th century, are attributed to / C'. i^. C., Flemish other masters. Works : Review of Militia Painters, 30 ; Car- by Mayor of Antwerp (1073), City Hall, Ant- Ion, Les trois Fivrcs Van Eyck; Woale, werp; Two Episodes in Taking of Mechlin Notes snr Jean van Eyck (Brussels, 1801) ; in 1580 (about 1050), Mechlin Museum ; Schopenhauer, Johann van Eyck und seine Equestrian Portrait, Lille Museum ; Halt of Nachfolger (Frankfort, 1823); Ch. Blanc, Soldiers in a Village, Vienna Museum ; Sol- Kcole flamande ; Allgem. d. Biogr., vi. 778 ; diers wading through River, Turin Galleiy. Forster, Denkmale, iii. 15 ; vi. 15 ; do., Van den Branden, 1013. Gesch., ii. 04 ; Immerzeol, i. 220 ; Kramm, EYCKEN, JEAN BAPTISTS VAN, born ii. 448 ; Michiels, ii. 83 ; v. 447 ; Pucgel, in Brussels, Sept. 10, 1809, died at Schaer- Beitrage, i. 3 ; Sclmaasc, viii. 103 ; W. - W., beck-les-Bruxelles Dec. 19, 1853. History ii. 9, 17 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., viii. (Mittheil- and genre painter, pupil at the Brussels ungen, i. 0). Academy of Navez ; obtained the great prize EYCK, KASPAR VAN, born at Antwerp, in 1835, 'visited France and Italy in 1837-39, baptized Feb. 0, 1013, died at Brussels in and soon after his return took rank with the 1073. Flemish school ; marine painter, pu- foremost artists of his native country. His pil of Andries van Artvelt ; master of the works in the chapel of Notre Dame in Brus- guild at Antwerp in 1033. Works : Vessels sels were the first examples of monumental by Fortified Castle, Naval Battle between decoration on a grand scale painted in Bel- Christians and Turks, Meu-of-War with gium. Professor at Brussels Academy in Rocks in View, Madrid Museum. Van den 1839, member in 1848. Gold medals : Brus- Branden, 1044. j sels, 1839 ; Paris, 1840 ; Order of Leopold, EYCK, LAMBERT VAN, 15th century. 1847. Works : Holy Women at Christ's Flemish school. Brother of Hubert and Jan Tomb (1835) ; Young Mother with her Dead 34