Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/84

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FERTIAFJ painter, professor at, Bologna Academy, won several medals. Works : Tusso reading his I'oem to Leonora; Daughter of Jephtha ; The brazen Serpent. FERRARI, GREGORIO DE', born at I'orto Mauri/io in 1044, died at Genoa in 1720. Genoese school ; history painter, pupil of II Sarzana ; studied in Parma works of Correggio. whom he imitated suc- cessfully ; was much employed iu (lenoa, Turin, and Marseilles. Works : Apollo and the Muses, Plato and Aristotle with their Scholars, Genoa University ; St. Michael, in Madonna delle Vigne, Genoa ; others in Pa- lazzo Ualbi, ( ieuoa. His son, Lorenzo (KiSO- 1744), wasa still better imitator of Correggio, and excelled in fresco ; works in Palazzo Doria, Palazzo Caregi, and in churches, Genoa. Ch. Blanc, I (lloscoe), iii. 2. r >S, 281 cole gcnoisc ; Lanzi Nagler, iv. 291. FERRARI, LUCA, called Luca da lleg- gio, born at R e g g i o , in 16(13, died at Padua in 1652. A" e n e t i a n school; h i s- tory painter, pupil of Guido Reni; lived and taught in Pad-

,' ua, among his

pupils being Minorello and Circ'llo. Works : Pieta, S. Antonio, Padua; The Plague (1630), The Dominicans, Padua; Magdalen, Death of Cleopatra, Tomyris with the Head of Cy- rus, Estense Gallery, Modcna ; Painting crowned by Fame, Bordeaux Museum. Lanzi (Roscoe), ii. 267, 363. FERRETTI, GIOVANNI DOMENICO, called da Imola, born at Florence in 1692. Florentine school ; history painter, pupil of Giovanni Gioseffo del Sole; painted mostly for the churches and palaces of Florence, Pisa, Leghorn, Siena, Pistoja, and Imola. Among his best works are a Martyrdom of St. Bar- tholomew in S. Bartolommeo, Pisa, and the cupola painting in S. Filippo Neri, Pistoja. FERRI, GIRO, born in Rome in 1G34 ; died there, Sept. 13, 1G89. Roman school; his- tory painter, pupil of Pietro da Cor ton a, whose style he imitated so closely that it is difficult to distinguish his work from that of his mas- ter. He fin- ished Cortona's frescos in the Palazzo 1'itti, Florence, and other uncompleted works in Rome. His best original works are the ceiling of the Annunziata, baroque style, and the cupola of S. Agnesc in the Piazza Navona, Rome, which he left unfin- ished at his death. Works : Repose in Egypt, Madonna with St. Martina, Old Pin- akothck, Munich ; Christ appearing to Mag- dalen, Vienna Museum ; Marriage of the Virgin, Amsterdam Museum; Rape of Helen, Darmstadt Museum ; St. Theresa, Oldenburg Gallery ; David and Saul, Copenhagen Gal- lery ; Christ on the Cross, Alexander reading Homer, Artist's portrait, Uflizi, Florence ; Coriolanus and his Family, Roman War- rior, Estense Gallery, Modena ; Vision of St. Catherine of Siena, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; Triumph of Bacchus, Hampton Court. Lanzi, i. 498 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole ombri- enne ; Burckhardt, 149, 708. FERRIER, (JOSEPH MARIE AUGUS- TFN) GABRIEL, born at Nimes, Sept. 29, 1847. French school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudran ; won grand prix de Rome in 1872. Medals : 2d class, 1876 ; 1st class, 1878 ; L. of Hon- our, 1884. Works : Greek Improviser, B.C. 30 (1872); Abduction of Ganymede (1875); David Conqueror of Goliath, Nimes Museum ; David and Bathsheba (1876), Martyrdom of