Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/135

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SAAL SAAL, GEORG, born at Coblentz in 1818, died at Baden-Baden, Oct. 3, 1870. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Schirmer ; visit- ed Norway and Lapland, went in 1848 to Heidelberg, thence to Baden-Baden, but lived mostly in Paris until 1870. Profes- sor ; several medals and orders ; Baden court painter. Works : Dolomite Rocks in the Eifel (1845) ; Lienbach Valley with Gypsies (1846) ; Midnight in Hardanger Fjord Norway (1849), Stadel Gallery, Frankfort ; Midnight Sun in Norway (2, 1853, 185G), Polar Sea, Leipsic Museum ; Peasant Room in Tyrol (I860), Fiirstenberg Gallery, Donaueschingen ; Midnight Sun in Lapland ; View in Black Forest (1867), Lou- vre ; Scandinavian Funeral by Moonlight, Carlsruhe Gallery ; In Fontainebleau For- est Blanckarts, 46 ; Wolfg. Miiller, Dttssel- df. K, 346 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iii. 279. SAAR, ALOIS VON, born at Traiskir- chen, Nether Austria, in 1799, died after 1840. Landscape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy. Works : Ruins of Fortress Led- nitz (1816) ; Four Panoramic Views of Vi- enna (1828) ; View of Prague and Moldau Bridge (1831), Vienna Museum ; Belgrade by Moonlight (1832) ; Views of Dominican and Caroline Bastions in Vienna (1834) ; Mill near Grinzing, Dobliug near Vienna (1840). Wurzbach, xxviii. 2. SABATELLI, FRANCESCO, bom in Florence, Feb. 22, 1803, died in Milan, Aug. 18, 1829. History painter, son and pupil of Luigi Sabatelli, then studied in Rome and Venice, was called to Florence by Leopold II. in 1823, and made professor in the Academy. Member of Venice Acad- emy. Works : In the Midst of the Storm (1828), Gallery of Modern Painters, Flor- ence. In fresco : Hector attacking Greek Vessels (in the Olympus by his father), Pa- lazzo Pitti, ib. SABATELLI, GIUSEPPE, born in Mil- an, June 24, 1813, died in Florence, Feb. 27, 1843. History painter, son and pupil of Luigi Sabatelli, called to Florence by Leopold H in 1834, and made professor at the Academy. Works: Two Miracles of St. Anthony (1834-35), S. Croce, Florence ; Philomene Consolatrix (1837), S. Francesco, Pisa ; Mother of the Gracchi, Tasso reading his Poem, Samuel in Cave of Endor (1837- 39), Meredith Calhoun, New York ; Tempta- tion of St. Anthony, S. Tomrnaso, Milan ; Farinato degli Uberti in Battle on the Ser- chio (1841), Florence Gallery. SABATELLI, LUIGI, the elder, born in Florence, Feb. 19, 1772, died in Milan, Jan. 29, 1850. History painter, pupil of Florence Academy under Pedroni ; studied in Rome in 1788-93, worked in Venice in 1795-97, and became professor at Milan Academy in 1808. Member of all the Ital- ian and of Vienna and Munich Academies. Austrian Gold Medal. Works : Abigail be- fore David (1806), St. Mary's Chapel, Arezzo ; Blessing the Children (1819), Palazzo Pa- roni, Genoa ; Capponi tearing French Con- ditions of Peace (1829), Marquis Capponi, Florence ; Heliodorus driven from the Tem- ple (1838). In fresco : Four Great Proph- ets (1810), S. Gaudenzio, Novara ; Life of Americus Vespuccius, Eight Scenes from the Iliad, Olympus (1820-25), Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (1831), Palazzo Busca-Serbelloni, Milan ; Three Scenes in Life of Galileo (1841); Tri- umph of Cupid (1843), Villa Giontini, Flor- ence ; Coronation of the Virgin, S. Firenze, ib. Najrlor, xiv. 122. SABATELLI, LUIGI, the younger, bom in Milan, Feb. 12, 1818. History painter, son and pupil of Luigi, the elder, whom he assisted in his fresco paintings, which branch of art he cultivates principally. Works : The Holy Virgin (1869), Nazareth Church, Mil- an ; Presentation in the Temple (187C>), Hospital Church, ib.; Evangelists, Theo- logical Virtues, The Virgin (1871), Cunardo Cathedral. SABBATINI, ANDREA. See Andrea da Salerno. SABBATINI, LORENZO, born in Bo- logna about 1530, died in Rome in 1577.