Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/137

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SABINES dran. Landon, Mus6e, x. PL 25 ; Filhol, x. PI. 697. By Rubens, National Gallery, London ; wood, H. 5 ft. 7 in. x 7 ft. 9 in. Scene in Forum, with a triumphal arch and the Pan- theon in background, where the military games are going on ; at left, seated on a dais, Eomulus gives the signal to his sol- diers, who are seizing and bearing away the struggling women. Formerly iu Mine. Boschaert's Collection, Antwerp ; purchased Palazzo Brignolo Salo, Genoa, and Uffizi ; | Francesco Bossano, Turin Gallery ; Antonio Bellucci, Cassel Gallery ; II Fattore, National Gallery, London ; Adriaen Backer, Bruns- wick Gallery ; Sebastiauo Ricci, Liechten- stein Gallery, Vienna. SABINES AND ROMANS, RECONCIL- IATION OF, It ubcnx, Escorial, near Madrid ; canvas. Companion to Rape of S.ihincs in Escorial. The two armies, in presence of ! each other, are restrained from hostilities Rape of th Sabines, Nicolas Poussin, Louvre, Pnt. by J. J. Angerstein, whence passed to Na- tional Gallery. Engraved by Martinasi (1770) ; J. Young. Similar subject, paint- ed about 1628, Escorial ; study in Ashbur- ton Collection, London, formerly in Danoot Collection, Brussels. Similar subject, Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. Waagen, Treas- ures, i. 350 ; ii. 102 ; Angerstein Gal., PL 6 ; Beechey, Reynolds, ii. 149, 188. Subject treated also by Giulio Romano, National Gallery, London ; Luca Cambiaso, Palazzo Imperiale, Genoa ; Valerio Castello, by the Sabine women, who, with their in- fants iu their arms, rush between them. Painted about 1628. Study in Ashburton Collection, London, formerly in Danoot Col- i lection, Brussels. Same subject, Munich Gallery. Waagen, ii. 102 ; Smith, il 175 ; Beechey, Reynolds, 149. SABINE WOMEN, Louis Davul, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 12 ft. 8 in. x 17 ft.; signed, dated 1799. The battle between the Romans under Romulus and the Sabines under Ta- tius interrupted by the Sabiue women, who 117