Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/150

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SANCHEZ Benyfayro, Valencia, about 1513-15, died in Madrid in 1590. Spanish school ; doubt- fully said to have studied in Italy ; accom- panied Antonio Moro in 1552 to Lisbon, where he remained some years in the ser- vice of John III., and acquired the title of the Portuguese Titian. On the death of Samuel appearing to Saul, Salvator Rosa, Louvre. the King, his widow, Dona Juana, recom- mended him to her brother, Philip II. of Spain, and Coello became his court painter and intimate courtier, and won honours and wealth. He painted many religious com- positions, but was especially noted for his portraits. Works : Portraits of Don Car- los, the Infanta Isabel, Anna of Austria, and others, Marriage of St. Catherine, Assump- tion, Madrid Museum ; Portraits of Joanna of Austria, Margaret of Parma, and Mary of Austria, Brussels Museum ; Portrait of Phil- ip II., and twelve religious compositions, Escorial. Coello's daughter, Isabel, was a good miniature painter. Viardot, Peintres de 1'Espagne, 113 ; Stothert, 14 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espagnole ; Madrazo, 56G. SANCHEZ COTAN, Fray JUAN, born at Alcazar de San Juan in 1561, died in Granada, Sept. 8, 1627. Spanish school ; pupil of Bias del Prado at Toledo, and be- came noted for skill in painting flowers and other still-life subjects. In 1604 became a monk at the Chartreuse of Paular ; after- ward transferred to the Chartreuse of Gra- nada, where he executed many religious compositions, especially scenes from the life of St. Bruno and from the persecution of the Carthusians in England. Stirling, i. 436 ; Viardot, 160 ; Cean Bermudez. SANCHO PANZA AND THE DUCHESS, Charles Kobert Leslie, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. x 5 ft. The Duch- ess, seated on a couch near the middle of the picture, attended by young women on right, and by the Duefia Rodriguez on left, listens to Sancho, who is seated on a low stool. Exhibited at Royal Academy in 1844 ; from Vernon Collection, 1847 ; a repetition, with some alterations, of the small original painted in 1823 for Lord Egremont. Lord Egremont paid for this original 100 ; sold to Samuel Rogers for 70 ; Rogers sale (1856), 1,120 guineas. Engraved by Hum- phreys ; R. Staines. Cat. Nat. Gal. SANCTIS, GUGLIELMO DE, born in Rome in 1830. History and portrait paint- er. Works : Galileo inventing the Telescope ; Michelangelo and Ferrucio studying the Plan for Fortification of Florence (1875), Turin Gallery ; Emauuel Philibert showing his Son to the Savoyards ; Portraits of Vic- tor Emauuel and of Prince Humbert (1876). SANDBY, PAUL, born at Nottingham in 1725, died in London, Nov. 9, 1809. Land- scape painter ; went to London in 1746 and studied at the drawing school at the Tower ; in 1768 he became drawing master to Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, and under George III. he was teacher of drawing to the royal princes. He was one of the foun- dation members of the Royal Academy. Painted in oils with success, but is chiefly noted as the founder of the English school of water-colours. Saudby, i. 102. no