Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/151

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SANDIIAM SANDHAM, HENRY, born in Montreal, Canada, May 24, 1842. Landscape and genre painter ; visited England and France for study in 1880 and in 1884. Member (1880) of Royal Canadian Academy. Studio in Boston, Mass. Works : Fog in St. John Harbor (1879), National Gallery, Ottawa ; Cow Bay Nova Scotia (1880), George Hague, Montreal ; Return from the Hunt (1882), Judge O'Hara, Toronto; Dawn of Liberty Battle of Lexington (1885). His- torical Society, Lexington, Mass. SANDRART, JOACHIM VON, born in Frankfort, May 12, 1606, died in Nuremberg, Oct. 14,1688. German school, history and portrait paint- er. He went to Prague, in 1621, to study engrav- ing under Sadeler, but advised by the latter to devote himself to painting, he re- paired to Utrecht and became pupil of Ge- rard Honthorst, who took him to England. There he saw great works by Titian, and after having painted several portraits, went to Venice in 1627 to study Titian and Vero- nese. In Rome he painted Pope Urban VHL, and was one of the twelve masters selected to paint a picture for the King of Spain. He returned to Germany in 1635, went to Amsterdam in 1637, and to Nurem- berg in 1649 to paint the envoys to the Con- gress of Peace. At Augsburg he worked for the Elector Maximilian of Bavaria, and the Emperor Ferdinand in 1672, and in 1674, after a second marriage, settled in Nuremberg, where he became the main pil- lar of the Academy founded in 1662. His reputation rests chiefly upon his well-known "German Academy," written in 1675-79. Works : Archers' Company (1638), Portrait of the Poet Hooft, four others (1639, 1641), Amsterdam Museum ; Young Man with Dead Horse, Old Woman in Prayer, Barn- burg Gallery ; Isaac blessing Jacob, Aschaff- enberg Gallery ; Banquet of Peace (1650), Town Hall, Nuremberg ; The Twelve Months (12), two Portraits, Munich Gallery ; Miner- va and Saturn (1644), Archimedes (1651), Vienna Museum ; Apollo rejoicing over De- feat of Python, Uffizi, Florence. Ch. Blanc, ficole allemande ; Kramm, v. 1440. SANDYS, FREDERICK, born in Norfolk in 1832. Figure and portrait painter ; paints portraits chiefly, but some ideal works of exquisite finish. Exhibited first at Royal Academy in 1854. Works : Oriana (1861) ; King Pelles' Daughter, La Belle Ysondo (1863); Morgan-le-Fay (1864); Gen- tle Spring, Cassandra (1865) ; Mary Mag- dalen, Flower (1866) ; Medea (1869, Paris Exhibition, 1878) ; Perdita (1879). SAN GIORGIO, EUSEBIO DI, born about 1478, died in 1550 (?). Umbriau school ; pupil in school of Perugino at same time with Manni ; made free of his guild in Perugia immediately after Pinturicchio, whose style he imitates in its least interest- ing featui'es, while his colouring is like Manni's. He aided Piuturicchio at Siena. His Adoration of the Magi (1505), Perugia Gallery, has a tinge of the Raphaelesque, and has even been attributed to Raphael. Tvo frescos, the Annunciation, and St. Fran- cis receiving the Stigmata (1507), are in S. Damiano, near Assisi ; and there is a Holy Family (1512) in S. Francesco, Matellica. C. <fc C., Italy, iii. 339 ; Burckhardt, 574 ; Siret, 829 ; Ch. Blanc, l^cole ombrieune. SANO DI PIETRO. See Ansano. SANS Y CABOT, FRANCISCO, born in Barcelona in 1834, died in Madrid, May 5, 1881. History painter, pupil of Barcelona Art School, and in Paris of Couture ; mem- ber of S. Fernando Academy, director of the Museum ; painted frescos in many palaces and public buildings. Medals : 2d class, 1860, 1862 ; 1st class, 1871. Works : Pro- metheus, Shipwreck, End of Carnival (1857); Battle at Wad Ras ; Liberty and Indepen- dence (1860) ; Episode in Battle of Trafalgar 111