Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/172

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SCIIILBACII nich, May 11, 1883. Landscape and still- life painter, pupil of Jacob Schwegler, a drawing-master ; being without means he joined in 1843 the papal Swiss guard in Borne, cultivating art in bis leisure hours ; having seen active service in 1848-49, be returned to Luzerne, and soon after settled in Munich. On a visit to Salzburg he met Hans Makart, just dismissed from the Vien- na Academy, and took him to Munich. Ap- pointed Conservator of the Salzburg Muse- um, he resigned in 1881, after more than ten years of efficient labours, and returned to Munich. Works : View in Tyrol, St. Gall Museum ; Shore of Walleustadt Lake (1853); Morning on Lake Luzerne ; Evening Land- scape (1854); Cemetery (1857); Souvenir of Wallenstadt Lake (1858) ; Old little Town on the Rhine (1861). Tscharner, Die bild. K in der Schweiz im J. 1883 (1884), 56. SCHILBACH, J. HEINRICH, born at Barchfeld in 1798, died at Darmstadt in 1851. Landscape painter, pupil of Prima- vesi in Darmstadt, then studied from nature in Italy, 1823; was much influenced by Ernst Fries, and became court painter at Darm- stadt in 1828. He was very happy in depict- ing momentary effects of light. Works : Castello Gandolfo on Lake Albano (1839), Darmstadt Museum ; View of the Capitol in Rome, do. of Forum Romanum, Thor- waldsen Museum, Copenhagen ; View of Imperial Palaces in Rome ; View of Rome ; do. of Mentz. Cotta's Kunstbl., 1829-33. SCHILCHER, FRIEDRICH, born in Vi- enna in 1811, died there in 1881. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Acad- emy, and studied from nature in Hungary, Transylvania, and Wallachia. Works : Bac- chante, Vienna Museum ; Roumanian (1855); Lady of Time of Louis XTV. (185G) ; Hun- garian Tinker (18G1) ; Tambourine Player (1864) ; Triumph of Neptune (1871). Wurzbach, xxix. 312. SCHILGEN, PHILIPP ANTON, born at Osnabriick in 1793, died there in 1857. History painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Acad- emy under Cornelius, with whom he went to Munich in 1825. Works : Rape of Helen, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Scenes from Tragedies of ^Eschylus, Royal Palace, ib. ; Establishment of Succession in Bavaria, Ar- cades, Royal Garden, ib. Cotta's Kuustbl. (1829) ; FOrster, v. SCHINDLER, ALBERT, born at Engels- berg, Silesia, Aug. 19, 1805, died in Vienna, May 3, 1861. Genre painter, pupil of Vi- enna Academy under Fendi. Works : Cap- uchin giving Communion to Officer dying in his Cell (1834), Vienna Museum ; Recruit- ing (1839); Last Pilgrimage (1840); Officer's Farewell (1841), Count Victor Wimpffeu, Vienna. Wurzbach, xxx. 1 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xii. 128. SCHINDLER, EMIL JAKOB, born in Vienna in 1842. Landscape painter and illustrator, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Albert Zimniermann, and studied after Dutch masters, such as Hobbema and Ruis- dael ; later adhered to the style of French masters, especially Theodore Rousseau. Medals: Munich, 1883; Berlin, 1886. Works : Forest Smithy (1864) ; Priener Miihlen Valley (1866) ; Kiss in the Woods (1869) ; Views in the Prater (1870, 1871, 1872, 1873); Wood Choppers (1873); Moon- rise on March River ; Autumn Landscape on the Fischa ; two Views on Isle of Lacroma (1879) ; View near Zfitphen, View at Haslau on the Danube (1883); 24 Cartoons for Zed- litz's Waldfriiulein. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 804 ; Wurzbach, xxx. 8 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xviii. 512 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xv. 128. SCHINDLER, JOHANN JOSEF, born at St. Polten, Lower Austria, July 28, 1777, died in Vienna, July 22, 1836. Landscape and genre painter, pupil and afterwards member of Vienna Academy. Court painter. Works : Landscape with Ruins, Battle be- tween Frederic the Warlike and King Bula of Hungary (1820); View of Salzburg (1828); Travellers attacked by Wolves (1830) ; The Fire in the Prater in 1833 (1834), Vienna Museum. Wurzbach, xxx. 10. SCHINKEL, KARL FRIEDRICH, Dr., born at Neu-Ruppiu, March 13, 1781, died 132