Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/173

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SCIIINNAGL in Berlin, Oct. 9, 1841. Landscape painter, | self-taught and an able master, although better known as an architect. Works : Ideal Landscapes (1815, 1820), Rocky Gate, Italian Laud- scape (1817), six dec- orative Land- scapes, Mountain Lake (1823), Castle by a Lake (1823), Ideal Landscapes (3),Gothic Cathedral, Harvest Festival (182(i), National Gallery, Berlin ; others, and Col- lection of Drawings and Sketches, Schinkel Museum, ib. Botticher, Fr. Schinkel und seine Werke ; Grimm, Rede auf Schinkel (Berlin, 1867); Jordan (1885), ii. 198 ; Kug- ler, K Fr. Schinkel (Berlin, 1842); Quasi, do. (Neu-Ruppin, 1866) ; Rosenberg, Bed. Malersch., 99 ; Springer, Gesch., 37 ; Wol- zogen, Aus Schinkel's Nachlass ; do., Schink- el als Architect, etc. (Berlin, 1864); Zeitschr. f. b. K., iii. 89. SCHINNAGL, MAX JOSEF, born at Burghausen, Bavaria, in 1694, died in Vi- euiia, March 22, 1762. Landscape painter, pupil of his step-father, Joseph Kammer- lohr. Travelled, and settled in Vienna. His figures were painted by Janneck and K. Aigen. Works : Six Landscapes, Vienna Museum ; St. Anna, Frauenkirche, Alten- Oetting ; Hunting Party riding to Falcon Chase, Huntsmen by Dead Game, Aschaffen- burg Gallery ; Landscapes with Figures (2), Schleissheim Gallery. Wurzbach, xxx. 30 ; Nagler, xv. 261. SCHIOTT, HEINRICH, born at Elsinore, Dec. 17, 1823. Portrait and genre painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, where he won two medals in 1846 ; visited Paris, Lon- don, and Italy in 1850, and after his return painted several members of the royal family ; afterwards visited Norway and Iceland, and in 1872-73 Egypt, Palestine, Greece, and Italy. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1854 ; professor in 1866. Works : Portrait of Lund (1854) ; Genre Scenes from Norse Country Life ; Landscapes and Architectural Views in Egypt and Syria. Weilbach, 613. SCHIRMER, (AUGUST) WILHELM (FERDINAND), born in Berlin, May 6, 1802, died at Nyon, on Lake Geneva, Juno 8, 1866. Landscape painter, pupil of Ber- lin Academy, and greatly influenced by Schinkel; studied in Italy in 1827-30, allied with Koch, Reinhardt, and Turner ; in 1831 opened a studio in Berlin, which attracted many pupils ; in 1835 became member, in 1839 professor, and in 1852 senator of the Academy ; visited Italy again in 1845 and 1865, when he fell seriously ill at Rome and died on his way home. Works : Tasso's House in Sorrento (1837), Park Landscape (1856), Coast near Naples (1864), National Gallery, Berlin. In fresco : Pyramids of Memphis, Corridor in Pyramid of Cheops, View of .33gina with Temple, View of Phi- galia with Temple (1850), New Museum, ib. Dioskuren, 1866 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 200 ; Kunst-Chrouik, i. 101 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 326. SCHIRMER, JOHANN WILHELM, born at Jtilich, Rhenish Prussia, Sept. 5, 1807, died in Carls- ruhe, Sept. 11, 1863. Landscape painter, p u p i 1 of Dilsseldorf Acade- my under Schadow, when he studied his- tory painting, un- til Lessing's land- scapes induced him to take up that branch of art, in which he became famous as a rep- resentative of historical landscape in the style of Poussin ; visited Belgium (1830), the Black Forest and Switzerland (1835), Holland (1837), Normandy (1838), Italy (1839); became in 1830 assistant professor, in 1839 professor at Ddsseldorf Academy, and in 1853 director of the Carlsruhe Art School, which he reorganized. Member of Berlin and Dresden Academic* Works : 133