Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/182

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SOHONBRDNNEB Amsterdam Academy. Works: Sunset on Bay of Bairn (1804), Museum, Vienna ; Snow Mountains over an Alpine Lake, Waterfall, Czernin Gallery, ib.; Waterfall of Terni, Jo- anneum, Gratz ; Four Periods of the Day, Vienna; Sunset (1810), do. by the Sea (1817), Lonely Lake, Waterfall at Noon, Moonlight Night by the Sea (1812), View of Florence at Sunset, do. by Moonlight, Darm- stadt Museum ; Falls of the Ehine near Schaffhausen, Schleissheim Gallery. Wurz- bach, xxxi. 128. SCHONBRUNNER, KARL, born in Vi- enna, Oct. 4, 1832, died at Hirschstetten, near Vienna, Feb. 21, 1877. History paint- er, pupil of Vienna Academy, of Rahl, and of Fiihrich ; copied afterwards in Italy the old masters, especially Giorgione and Titian ; lived in Rome in 18G2-72 and returned to Vienna. Works : Godfrey of Bouillon lay- ing down his Arms at Holy Sepulchre (1852) ; Bishop Ambrose and Emperor Theodosius (1859) ; St. Augustine and the Boy (18G4) ; Tasso's Leonora (1867) ; Life and Art (1870). Kunst-Chronik, xiii. 546 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 789 ; Wurzbach, xxxi. 142. SCHONFELD, HEINRICH, born in Dresden in 1809, died in Munich in 1845. Architecture painter, pupil of Dresden Academy. First painted theatre decora- tions ; went to Munich in 1830, devoted himself to architecture painting, and trav- elled for sketches in Germany, Italy, Swit- zerland, Austria, and Holland. Medireval German buildings were his favourite sub- jects. Works : Old Butcher's Quay in Strasburg (1840), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Market-Place of Basle (1839) ; Cathedrals of Bacharach, Limburg, and Erfurt. Nagler, xv. 471. SCHONFELDT, JOHANN HEINRICH, born at Biberach, March 23, 1609, died in Augsburg about 1680 (1695?). German school. History and landscape painter, pupil of Johann Sichelbein, afterwards studied in Rome, and after his return worked at Lyons, Munich, Bamberg, Salzburg, Vienna. Works : Assumption, Augsburg Cathedral ; Crucifixion, Wurzburg Cathedral ; Recon- ciliation of Jacob and Esau, replica, and Gideon watering his Flocks, Sacrifice of Minerva, Vienna Museum ; Shepherd's Fes- tival, Battle of the Giants, Two Musical Parties, Dresden Gallery ; Last Judgment, Brunswick Gallery ; Seleucus and Antiochus, Oldenburg Gallery ; Sacrifice to Diana, Schleissheim Gallery. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 528 ; Nagler, xv. 469. SCHONGAUER, MARTIN, commonly called Hipsch Martin or Martin Schiin, born at Col- mar about 1446, died there, Feb. 2, 1488. Ger- man school. History and portrait paint- er, probably pupil of Rogier van der Weyden in Flanders. Was the greatest German painter and en- graver of the 15th century. Works : Ma- donna of the Rose Hedge (1473), St. Mar- tin's, Colmar ; two Altar- Wings with Annun- ciation, Museum, ib. (the 16 panels in the Museum attributed to him are probably by his scholars) ; Nativity, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; do., Vienna Museum. None of the works in the Louvre, Madrid, and Brussels Museums, and in the National Gallery and South Kensington Museum, London, are authenticated. Academy >* . . -, (1880), ii. 335 ; Allgem. J Y LL ^ Zeitg. (1880), Nos. 129, JL fc+ 156 ; L'Art (1881), iii. /V5> /4Q0 272; Cli. Blanc, Ecole V allemande ; Dohme Iii. ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1859), iii. 257, 321; (1881), "xxiii. 95; Heideloff, K. des Mittelalt. in Schwaben, 117 ; Jahrb. der kongl. preuss. Kunst- sammlg., iv. 131 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 134 ; D. Lit. Zeitg. (1881), 20 ; Mt-nard, L'Art en Alsace-Lorraine, 72 ; Repert. f. K., vii. 31, 167; Schnaase, viii. 391; Woltmann, 142