Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/183

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SCIIONIIERR Kunst im Elsass, 226 ; W. & W., ii. 104 ; Wurzbach, Martin Schongauer (Vienna, 1880) ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, i. 258; xvi. 74; xxii. 34. SCHONHERR, KARL GOTTLOB, born at Lengefekl, Saxony, Aug. 15, 1824. His- tory painter, pupil of Dresden Academy un- der Julius Htlbner, then studied in Rome. Professor at Dresden Academy. Works : Raising of Tabitba by Peter (1855), Dresden Gallery ; Christ's Return, Church in Losing, Saxony ; Christ on the Mount of Olives, Altai-piece, Cherson, Russia. Mailer, 475. SCHONLEBER, GUSTAV, born at Bie- tigheim, Wilrtemberg, in 1852. Landscape and architecture painter, pupil of Kurtz in Stuttgart and of Adolf Lier in Munich ; travelled in Italy and Holland. Professor in Carlsruhe in 1880. Medal, Munich, 1879. Works : Italian Coast Study ; Fish- ers' Return ; Dantzic Fish Market ; Har- bour of Genoa ; Rotterdam ; Ostend Canal ; Suabian Imperial City ; Venetian Fishing Boats (1871), Hamburg Gallery ; Harbour of Ostend (1879) ; View of Flushing at Low Tide (1881), Dresden Museum ; Evening near Dordrecht, Stuttgart Museum ; Spring in Suabia, High Water in the Neckar (1884). MUller, 475 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 808 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 380 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xix. 158 ; xx. 72. SCHONMANN, JOSEF, born in Vienna, April 19, 1799, died there, May 26, 1879. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, which sent him to Rome in 1832. Honorary member of Accademia dei Virtuosi, Rome, in 1838 ; member of Vienna Academy in 1848. Works : Death of Dido (1822) ; Hec- tor calling Paiis to Battle (1828); Holy Family (1833), Vienna Museum ; St. Jo- seph (1835), S. Antonio, Trieste ; Portrait of Count Franz Saurau, Joanneum, Griitz. In fresco : The Great Prophets, Altlerchen- feld Church, Vienna. Wurzbach, xxxi. 167. SCHONN, ALOIS, born in Vienna, March 11, 1826. Genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Fuhrich and Leander Russ. Went through the Italian campaign of 1848 and the Hungarian War ; studied in Paris in 1850-51 ; then travelled in Syria, Egypt, Nubia, and Arabia, returning homo by way of Italy, and visited Hungary in 1856. Gold medal in Berlin ; medal in Munich ; Order of Franz Joseph. Works : Return from Skirmish at Poute Tedesco (1848) ; Hun- garian Family returning Home after War (1849) ; Evening on the Nile (1852) ; De- parture of Tyrolese Students from Vienna in 1848 (1864), Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; Gypsy Camp (2, 1857), Coburg Gallery, Vienna ; Storming of Lodrone (1850), On the Coast of Genoa (1872), Museum, ib. ; Goose Market in Cracow (1869), Academy, ib. ; Scene in Persecution of Jews (1870) ; Festival in Capri, Fish Market at Chioggia, do. in the Ghetto at Rome (1871) ; Scene before Wine Depot in Monte Testaccio (1882) ; Market in Bosnia, do. in Tunis (1883). Wurzbach, xxxi. 98 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xvii. 261 ; xviii. 510 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 259 ; vi. 213 ; viii. (Mittheilungen, i. 40). SCHOOL OF ATHENS, Raphael, Cam- era della Segnatura, Vatican, Rome ; fresco, arched top, H. 16 ft. x 26 ft. 8 in. The Triumph of Science ; companion to the Dispute of the Sacrament, which represents the Triumph of Religion. A vast portico, the arcades of which are pierced with niches filled with statues ; those in front, Apollo and Minerva ; in the centre, Plato, with Aris- totle beside him, is expounding to disciples standing around, while Diogenes lies on the steps, with Aristippus passing him talking to Epicurus ; at left, on steps, Aleibiades, Xenophon, and others, listening to Socra- tes ; below them, Pythagoras, with his wife Theano, his son Telauges, and his pupil Archytas, Anaxagoras standing, Heraclitus sitting alone, and Democritus or Epicurus by base of pillar ; at right, on steps, Pyrrho, Arcesilaus, and others, and below them Ar- chimedes (portrait of Bramante) teaching geometry, and Ptolemy and Zoroaster stand- ing beside Raphael and Perugino. Painted in 1511. Called also Philosophy. Studies in Albertine College, Vienna, and Louvre ; 143