Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/229

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SILENDS SILENUS, TRIUMPH OF, Rubens, Blen- heim Palace ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 8 in. x 9 ft. 6 in. Silenus, staggering between a negro and a satyr, with three boys with fruit anil a tiger at his feet, is preceded by a faun playing a pipe, and followed by two nymphs, a young satyr, and a nude boy ; background, a woody landscape. Engraved by Hodges. Sketch in Louvre. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 131 ; Smith, ii. 244. By Rubens, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. C in. x 6 ft 5 in. The drunken demi-god is led along, supported and accompanied by satyrs, fauns, nymphs, and children bearing grapes. Nine life-size figures, three-quarters length. In Rubens's possession till his death ; in 1640-42 to Cardinal Richelieu ; then to Regent Due d'Orleans ; afterwards in Collection of M. De Tartre, Collection of Lucien Bonaparte (1816); Collection of Chevalier Bonnemaisou (1827) ; purchased by Sir R. Peel, 1,100; to National Gallery in 1871. Engraved by N. Delaunay. Cat. Nat. Gal; Art Journal (1871), 121 ; Smith, ii. 161 ; ix. 305 ; Klas. der Malerei, PI. 3 ; Reveil, i. 8. SILLAX, painter, of Rhegium, about 500 B.C. He decorated the Stoa at Phlius with paintings. Sillig, 419. SILO, ADAM, born at Amsterdam in 1670, died there in or after 1760. Dutch school ; marine painter, pupil of Theodoras van Pee, having first been a ship builder and sea captain. His naval battles and storms were especially prized by Peter the Great. Works : Calm Sea with Vessels, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Agitated Sea with do., Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Immerzeel, iii. 88 ; Krarnin, v. 1520. SILVA, FRANCIS A., born in New York in 1835, died there, March 31, 1886. Marino painter, self-taught. After serving through the Civil War he settled in 1866 in New York, where he exhibited first at the Nation- al Academy in 1867. Works : Sunrise in Boston Harbour ; Gray Day at Cape Ann ; Bass Rocks ; Sunset on the Coast ; Moon- rise Hudson River ; Twilight Hour ; Hud- son River ; Yacht Magic ; Moonlight on the Chesapeake ; On the Hudson, Dr. Judson, St. Petersburg ; Moonrise, E. Van Reussel- laer, New York ; New London Light, Court- land Palmer, ib.; Along the Jersey Coast, T. B. Clarke, ib. ; September Day on the Coast (1879); Old Town by the Sea (1880); Midsummer Twilight (1881); Old Connecti- cut Port (1882); By the Sea-Side (1883); Monniouth Beach New Jersey (1884); Pas- sing Showers, Midsummer Twilight (1885); Sunrise, Near Atlantic City (1886). SILVEIRA, BENTO COELHO DA, flour- ished in the second half of the 17th century, died in 1708. Portuguese school ; history painter of great renown in Portugal. His principal work, a Judith and Holofernes, was compared to the works of Van Dyck ; others are to be seen in the Sacristy da Penha, in S. Jorge, S. Bento, Madre de Deo, the Franciscans, etc., Lisbon. His last work was the Finding of the Cross (1702), Sacristy of S. Pedro. Nagler, xvi. 407. SILVESTRE, LOUIS DE, born in Paris, June 23, 1675, died there, April 12, 17CO. History and portrait painter, brother of Louis Silvestre, the elder (1669-1740), painter, sou of Israel Silvestre (1621-1691), I engraver to the king, and grandson of jGilles Silvestre (born 1590), painter, who was of a Scottish family named Silvester, j settled in Lorraine since the beginning of the 16th century. Louis was the pupil of his father, of Charles Le Bruu, and of Bon Boullonge. He became a member of the Academy in 1702, adjunct professor in 1704, j and professor iu 1706. In 1716 he was called to the court of Saxony by Augustus II., who made him his first painter ; in 1726 he became director of the Dresden Academy, and in 1742 he was ennobled by Augustus HL of Poland. Having returned to France, he was chosen rector of the French Acad- emy in 1748 and director in 1752. Works : Formation of Man by Prometheus, Minerva giving life to Man, Montpellier Museum ; Interview of Empress Amelie with Augustus 186