Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/230

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SIMBRECIIT III. of Poland and his Family, Hercules pur- suing Nessus (1732), Augustus the Strong and Frederick William I., Portraits of Au- gustus n. and Augustus III. of Poland, of the latter's Consort, and of Louis XV. of France, Dresden Gallery ; Augustus III. as Electoral Prince, Leipsic Museum ; Louis XIV. receiving at Fontaiuebleau the Elector of Saxony, Last Supper, Portraits of Fred- erick Augustus II. of Poland, Marie Joseph of Austria Queen of Poland, and the Du- chesse de Berry, Versailles Museum ; Fall of Phaoton, Schweriu Gallery ; St. Peter heal- ing the Sick, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Mariette, Abeccdario, v. 217 ; Bellier, ii. 504; Jal, 1133. SIMBRECHT (Zimbrecht), MATTHIAS, born in Munich, early part of 17th cen- tury, died in Prague in 1680. German school ; imitated the style of Raphael, whom he studied in Italy. His colouring is warm and powerful. Works : Altarpiece, and S. Rosalia, St. Stephen's Church ; Joachim and Anna, and Visitation, Gallery of the Estates, Prague. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 527. SIMEON-FORT. See Furl. SIMEON IN THE TEMPLE. See Pres- entation. SIMMLER, FRIEDRICH, bornatHanau, May 4, 1801, died at Aschaffenburg, Nov. 2, 1872. Animal, landscape, and portrait painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Langer and W. Kobell, much influenced by Wagenbaur, then pupil of Vienna Acad- emy (1824) ; returned home and went again to Vienna in 182G ; painted portraits and went to Italy in 1827, and after his return painted portraits in Hanover ; then took up almost exclusively animal painting (1829- 30) at Munich, and from 1832 at Dusseldorf, whence he returned to Geisenheim in 1835 ; moved to Aschaffeuburg in 1862 ; often painted animals in the landscapes of Bock- ing, Grichen, and Schulten, while Achen- 1 bach and Scheuren supplied the landscape for his cattle-pieces. Works : Midday Rest in Pasture (1830), KiJnigsberg Museum ; Noonday Rest on Lake Starnberg (1833) ; Wild Bull (1835), National Gallery, Berlin ; Bull and Sheep (1834), Raczyuski Gallery, ib. ; Great Dutch Landscape ; Bull with Two Cows (1835), Potsdam Art Union; Sheep and Goats, Provinzial Museum, Han- over ; Bull with Cows Drinking (1835), Stet- tin Art Union ; Animal-Piece, Wiesbaden Gallery ; Cows at Pasture in Approaching Storm (1835). His son, Wilhelm (born at Geisenheim, Sept. C, 1840), genre painter, pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, has made a good reputation with attractive scenes from huntsmen's life. Works : Sunday Hunters (1862) ; On the Way Home (1868) ; Going to Hunt (1869); Dead Poacher and his Chil- dren ; Game's Crossing-Place (1880). An- dresen, i. 131 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 218 ; Kunst-Chronik, viii. 90 ; Land und Meer (1873), ii. 752. SIMMLER, JOSEF, born at Warsaw, March 14, 1823, died there, March 1, 1868. History and portrait painter, pupil of Dres- den Academy, and of Bendemann, then in Munich of Geuelli, and in Paris of Paul De- laroche ; on his return to his native land in 1848 he at once came into prominence, but soon left for Italy, where he studied espe- cially Raphael in Rome, and Fra Angelico in Florence. After his return he painted many stirring scenes from the history of Po- land, which increased his reputation. Hon- orary member of St. Petersburg Academy, 1866. Works : Maria Immaculata ; The Three Marys ; Stoning of St. Matthew ; Martyrdom of St. Josaphat ; David Singing Psalms ; Entombment ; Christ on the Cross ; Wedding of Cupid and Psyche (ceiling in a palace at Warsaw) ; Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture ; Death of Queen Barbara ; Education of King Sigismund ; Captivity of John of Finland and his Wife ; Oath of Queen Hedwig. L'Art (1883), i. 101. SIMMONS, EDWARD EMERSON, born at Concord, Mass.; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil in Paris of Jules Lefebvre and of Boulanger. Honourable mention, Paris Salon, 1883 ; prize of $2,000, 2d Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886. Works : 186