Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/262

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STAKKENBOEGH STAEKENBORGH, JACOBUS NICO- LAAS, Baron TJAEDA VAN, born at Wehe, GrOniugen, in 1822. Landscape painter, self-taught ; studied old Dutch masters un- til 1819, when he visited America. Settled in Diisseldorf iu 1852, whence he made sketching tours to Thuringia, Switzerland, and England. Member of Amsterdam Acad- emy. Medals: The Hague, 1857, Lyons, 1865. Works : Invitation to Kirmess ; Har- vest ; Water Mill. Mtiller, 502. STAR OP EMPIRE, Emanuel Leutze, Capitol at Washington ; mural painting on staircase landing, House of Representatives. "Westward the star of empire takes its way." Represents an emigrant train cross- the Rocky Mountains. Painted in 18 , for $20,000. STARK, JOSEF (AUGUST), born at Gratz, Styria, March G, 1782, died there, July 23, 1838. History and portrait paint- er, pupil of Vienna Academy under Maurer, then under Caucig and Lampi ; became di- rector of the Gratz Academy in 1817, and of the newly erected gallery in 1819. Vis- ited Italy in 1817 and 182C. Works : Su- sanna at the Bath (1816) ; Maximilian I. on the Martin Wall, Magdalen iu the Des- ert (1826) ; Cimon taking his Father's Place in Prison (1828) ; Hylas and the Nymphs (1832) ; Baumkirclmer defending the Neu- stadt Gate at Gratz in 1452, Venus, Count Attems, Gratz ; St. John the Baptist, Chapel of the Joaimeum, ib. ; Christ bearing the Cross, City Parish Church, ib. ; Christ in the Temple, Chapel of the former Ferdinan- deum, ib. Hormayr's Archiv (1822), 696 ; (1823), 724 ; (1827), 179 ; Wurzbach, xxxvi. 217. STARNINA, GHERARDO, born in Flor- ence in 1354 (?), died there in 1408 (?). Florentine school ; pupil of Antonio Vene- ziano, with whom he spent some years ; set- tled in Florence, where, in spite of rude manners and a hot temper, he found pat- rons. In 1378 he became involved in the disturbances of the Ciompi, and fled for his life to Spain, where he acquired wealth in the exercise of his art. In 1387 he was again in Florence and took the freedom of the painters' company, appearing as Gherar- do d' Jacopo Starna. He was painting there in 1406, after which there is no trace of him. None of the pictures attributed to him by Vasari remain, though some of the frescos in the Chapel of the Duomo at Prato, a se- ries completed by Antonio Vite, the pupil of Stamina, may be his work. C. & C., Italy, i. 493 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., ii. 177 ; ed. Mil., ii. 5 ; Burckhardt, 491, 497. STARVATION COVE (Bai des Todes, Bay of Death), Julius von Payer ; canvas, H. 12 ft. x 14 ft. The final scene in Sir John Franklin's Polar expedition ; one of a series of four pictures projected by the painter. Seven of the last survivors lie dead in their boat, which is seen in its whole length in the moonlight ; Captain Crozier, the only living one, bareheaded and musket in hand, is leaning forward fixedly watching a bear, whose head is seen at right watch- ing the corpses ; in the distance, two other bears ; at left, an expanse of ice. Painted in 1883. London Times, Jan. 29, 1884; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 110, 123, 157 ; xx. 335 ; Allgem. K. C., viii. 601. STATTLER, ALBERT CORNEL, born in Cracow in 1800, died in Rome after 1870. History and portrait painter, pupil of Lampi in Vienna, and in 1817 of St. Luke's Academy in Rome, where he was in- fluenced by Canova and Thorwaldsen, later by Overbeck, Joseph Hyzler, and Joseph Craffonara. Painted portraits of Czartory- ski family in Vienna ; became professor in Cracow in 1831 ; soon after 1850 settled in Rome. Gold medal, Paris, 1844. Works : Moses on Mt. Sinai, Abel, Holy Family, St. Joachim with SS. Anna and Mary, Cracow ; Maccabees ; Madonna and Angels ; Madon- na di Neve ; Crucifixion ; Baptism of Christ ; Madonna surrounded by Angels ; Holy Family (1870); and many portraits. Wurz- bach, xxxvii. 242. STAVEREN, JOHAN ADRIAENSZ VAN, born at Leyden, died there after 1668. 218